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CMT Top 20 Countdown 8/10/12


Staff member
Ok Team..."Blown Away" makes it's debut this week on the CMT Top 20 Countdown coming in at #17! We know what to lets vote away! Blown Away to the top!!

  • Top 20 From Week of August 10, 2012

  • Top 20 From Week of August 10, 2012



New member
Only one spot ahead of Miranda? Please, I watched that video in it's entirety for the first time today, and its obnoxious how often the song is interrupted by ridiculous dialogue between her and Der de der Patrick.


Active member
Only one spot ahead of Miranda? Please, I watched that video in it's entirety for the first time today, and its obnoxious how often the song is interrupted by ridiculous dialogue between her and Der de der Patrick.

Agreed....I like Miranda, and I even liked the song (unlike most others)...But that video was really poor.


New member
I really wish she would have left out the cigarette. It was not needed

Really? As if children are watching thinking "Gee, Miranda Lambert smokes and she's super cool, maybe I'll give it a shot?"

When I was a child I never cared who smoked, drank, or did drugs on TV. It isn't media that makes children try things, its friends, and sometimes family...;)


Well-known member
Really? As if children are watching thinking "Gee, Miranda Lambert smokes and she's super cool, maybe I'll give it a shot?"

When I was a child I never cared who smoked, drank, or did drugs on TV. It isn't media that makes children try things, its friends, and sometimes family...;)

hmmmmmmmm I have to disagree


New member
hmmmmmmmm I have to disagree

I guess I should've worded it "It isn't only media" to please the masses.

I just think media plays a VERY small part in what kids pick up. I used to smoke, but it started out as pure curiosity, not because I saw someone "cool" do it. I drink on occasion (as some have witnessed here), and that didn't sprout from seeing someone famous with a cold one in their hand. It's alcohol, c'mon. By now, everyone knows the effects of drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, etc. Seeing someone do it on TV doesn't change anything for me. Maybe it was just me, my friends, and the environment I was raised in? Idk, I grew up with the "I know better then to believe it's cool just because of what the media makes of it" ideals.


Active member
Oh, I agree with Antony...I'm 18 years old, I graduated from high school a year ago. In my high school I, as with everyone else, watched shows like HIMYM, Entourage, Gossip Girl, etc. We listened to artists like Lil Wayne, Eminem, Katy Perry, etc. (Well I never listened to Lil Wayne, but....) Well over 50% of the school smoked, over 25% drank (25% is a small percentage, but that's cause alcohol is hard to come by for kids in Dubai).

I'm now in college. Again, over half the college smokes, and over a third does some form of drugs, with a tenth or so doing the "hardcore" ones. Again, we all watch the same movies and TV, and we all listen to the same music. We're all exposed to the media in the same way.

It has to come down to the family. I will never snort anything, cuz I was raised that way. It matters not that there may be a lot in the media that glamourises and at times, even encourages, drugs. I will never smoke for the same reason, even if I listen to Miranda Lambert a lot who has several lines about cigarettes (Kerosene, Gunpowder and Lead, FGIT video, etc.)

We can bemoan the media all we like, but the responsibility ultimately lies solely with the parents. To wish away all evil in this world is optimism to the point of foolishness. In a utopian world, sure, the media would only talk about honesty and friendship. Guess what? Not happening. We can put pressure on the media to be a little more "cultured", but ultimately the media reflects only that which is rampant in society.

Note that I'm not disagreeing with dbarberis, or defending Miranda. The cigarette was perhaps 'unnecessary'. As the son of a chain-smoker, I consider cigarettes to be the devil. My dad is a truly wonderful man who literally wasted his life away because of this one weakness. Watching him as I grew up has made me feel very, VERY strongly about cigarettes.

My point is just that this "It's the media's fault" notion has to end. Sure, the media may be unhealthy, but ultimately it's your bloody kids and you better raise them well.

And, of course, Carrie agrees with me :) (remember the UK interview with Loose Women?)


Active member
I guess I should've worded it "It isn't only media" to please the masses.

I just think media plays a VERY small part in what kids pick up. I used to smoke, but it started out as pure curiosity, not because I saw someone "cool" do it. I drink on occasion (as some have witnessed here), and that didn't sprout from seeing someone famous with a cold one in their hand. It's alcohol, c'mon. By now, everyone knows the effects of drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, etc. Seeing someone do it on TV doesn't change anything for me. Maybe it was just me, my friends, and the environment I was raised in? Idk, I grew up with the "I know better then to believe it's cool just because of what the media makes of it" ideals.

Honestly, it barely is the media at all. I hate the term, but "peer pressure" is really what it's about. That, and strained emotions - loneliness in particular.


New member
Guess the cig in Carrie's "fake" dad's mouth was also unnecessary?

I could care less either way, tbh.

It's a cigarette, they're sold EVERYWHERE, they're legal, and she's of legal age. If she wants that in her video, then so be it. Not like she lit-up a joint or anything. I was more upset about the dialogue and the messiness of the video.


Active member
honestly, blaming the media for everything, is any parents excuse for bad parenting. sorry. Kid are bombarded with everything, every day. they learn to say no. the media is not responsible for anyone's kids.


Well-known member
honestly, blaming the media for everything, is any parents excuse for bad parenting. sorry. Kid are bombarded with everything, every day. they learn to say no. the media is not responsible for anyone's kids.

I agree with this. I'd like to think that my parents did a very good job raising me because they live their lives fairly and honestly and taught me to do as so. I've watched shows like HIMYM and listened to music with less than perfect messages and it didn't make me smoke/drink/become a sex fiend. If you don't teach your kids not to do something/the dangers of something, you can't blame the media for sparking their interest in it.


Active member
I agree with this. I'd like to think that my parents did a very good job raising me because they live their lives fairly and honestly and taught me to do as so. I've watched shows like HIMYM and listened to music with less than perfect messages and it didn't make me smoke/drink/become a sex fiend. If you don't teach your kids not to do something/the dangers of something, you can't blame the media for sparking their interest in it.

Best post on this issue.


New member
Back on topic...

I can't believe some of those videos are still on the countdown...

Seriously, the cat is dead, lets bury it and move on!

"And Time is Love spends yet another year on the Top 20 countdown"