Carrie Underwood Fans

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Current sales on Carrie's CDs and tracks


Active member
Starting this thread for CFs to post sale prices for Carrie's music. Some of her CDs and mp3 go on sale at Amazon, iTunes, Target, etc. every so often and this may be useful for those looking for purchase.

Right now (I think thru July 6) on Amazon:

Some Hearts CD: $6.86
Carnival Ride CD: $6.78
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New member
Just to be precise, I don't know about Amazon, but iTunes no longer sells mp3s. They're only selling m4as now.


Active member
^^^I corrected the title of first post. Unfortunately, I can not change the thread heading. Thx.
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New member
^^^I corrected the title of first post. Unfortunately, I can not change the thread heading. Thx.

Yes you can't. But in general people would not understand what m4a means anyways. It's like people still always saying songs are sent to radio when nowadays a lot of instances are labels putting the song on the Internet, and atmost to email DJs to let them download the tracks, instead of literally sending them out in a physical form. Maybe digital tracks would be a precise and understandable term a la Billboard.


Active member
Sale at Amazon:

SH CD $6.58
SH mp3 $5.00

CR CD $6.45

Maybe this will move some SH mp3's. It's amazing to me that less than 400k (out of 7200k) of SH that has been sold are in mp3 format.


Active member
Latest sale prices at Amazon (8/14/12):

SH (mp3): $5.00
BA (mp3): $8.66

Update: Sorry, that BA price was only in my shopping cart. Apparently, that price is not for everyone. :(