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HGTA On The Voice


Obsessed Chart Watcher
Holly Tucker on Blake's team is doing HGTA. You know she wouldn't be doing it if Carrie hadn't done it. She did good but not close to Carrie's version.


Obsessed Chart Watcher
Holly's HGTA is already up to #66. However Danielle Bradery's Heads Carolina Tails California is the top Voice track at #30


Active member
Hmm Blake really is modeling his contestants after Carrie's career in regards to song choice.

I thought she was good, but would have liked a Carrie shout out since it was essentially Carries version (very similar at the end).


Well-known member
Goes to show what a big mark Carrie has left in the country/music industry since Idol.

Besides her own songs, talent show contestants are always picking the songs popularized by Carrie - Alone, Independence Day, Sin Wagon, HGTA, Cryin', I'll Stand by You etc. How many versions of Alone have we heard already, just on Idol alone? lol

And there have been so many country contestants in every single talent show.


Active member
Good stuff.
Pitch went alittle cookcoo.

That was absolutely "the carrie version". I have heard, played and sung that song a million times a million ways, and that was definately "the carrie version".

Which is alittle tricky for someone like me who has heard Carrie do it about a million times now.

It was good. But on a big belter song like that, and in a competition like that, you want it to feel effortless, and there was struggling going on there. So it was a little too big for this stage.

But I will admit, as Blake continues to push his females in a "carrie direction" I like him more and more. (isn't that terrible?)

But yes, I definately feel him looking for the next "mainstream county female solo artist" and if you are looking to taylor someone to that effect, you would most definately use the "Carrie Image".

Smart guy!!