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I have an idea!! w/Spotify (Hot Country Songs chart)


Well-known member
ok so apparently streaming on Spotify now contributes to songs' positions on the Hot Country Songs chart soooo let's start streaming!!! Even when you're not home or on the computer, just queue (right click on song and click "queue") Blown Away--or whatever Carrie's current single will be---over and over and over. Queueing a song makes it play next, and you can queue the same song so that it basically plays on repeat. We gotta pull out all the tricks if we wanna see Carrie at #1 on that chart! :D :D :D (on my way to play and queue BA right now!!)


Well-known member
I have Spotify, but it's hard for me to do this because I'm Canadian. Spotify is only available in like 5 countries or something, and Canada isn't one of them. For me to use Spotify, I have to use a program that changes my IP to an American one. That program uses up quite a bit of memory and has a limited amount of time that it can be open for. I'll try to do it, because this is a great idea, but it's rather annoying to be honest. :(

Great idea though! Blown Away was #51 on Spotify last week, hopefully we can see it at least crack the top 50.


New member
It's free. The only thing is, there is a commercial every so many songs. There is a premium option which is $10 a month for commercial-free.

I use it for free haha

I had MOG because Spotify was not streaming at 360Kps not had no offline feature to save music to your phone. When they did, I switched. I have the Ultimate ed it cost $9.99 a month. No ads, high quality streams and downloads with full mobile support - You can download any song/playlist to your PC or phone. They stay there as long as you are a member. It's really cool, last week my wife and I were in the car talking about Mumford and Sons. She had never heard them. Bring up Spotify and in less that 5 minutes we were listening to Babel in very high quality ad free. If you love all kinds of music but don't have the bucks to buy all of it Spotify is a deal, there's about 15 million songs on it. BTW I stream Carrie all the time.


New member
I had MOG because Spotify was not streaming at 360Kps not had no offline feature to save music to your phone. When they did, I switched. I have the Ultimate ed it cost $9.99 a month. No ads, high quality streams and downloads with full mobile support - You can download any song/playlist to your PC or phone. They stay there as long as you are a member. It's really cool, last week my wife and I were in the car talking about Mumford and Sons. She had never heard them. Bring up Spotify and in less that 5 minutes we were listening to Babel in very high quality ad free. If you love all kinds of music but don't have the bucks to buy all of it Spotify is a deal, there's about 15 million songs on it. BTW I stream Carrie all the time.

If I wasn't poor, I would pay for it. I have awesome internet, so I can listen to as much music as I want :)


Well-known member
Here you go: Download Spotify - Spotify

You have to download an app, must like what you do for iTunes.

You do need their player - but it's friendlier than i-tunes.
I don't think there's any way of using i-tunes unless you run Windows or Mac (and I think that's intentional, and won't change). Amazon is not operating system dependent, though, for buying downloads.

Spotify also only officially support Windows and Mac - but they do welcome other usersSpotify Linux, Wine - Free Download for other Platforms - Spotify

It certainly works for Linux users - there may be glitches occasionally, but I've run it quite a bit under Wine
Instructions are given here (though you may need to adapt them for other distributions)
Spotify in Wine - Spotify - Spotify

I haven't tried the experimental native client for Linux, but the instructions are here, for anyone interested:
Spotify Linux - Spotify Wine - Download Spotify - Spotify


Well-known member
I'm sorry about the position regarding Canadian fans - I would guess that this is because of the licensing issues, which have to be worked out with the organizations representing rights holders. Not all rights holders agree with the Spotify business model (which is mainly advertizing based), and some feel it doesn't generate enough revenue for them.

According to their website, agreements have been reached in the folowing countries:

Australia or New Zealand,
United Kingdom

--though fans may need to check what is currently available. Hopefully, the list will grow soon


New member
how do you get the song to play, cause pressing the play button is not working. i even right clicked and then pressed play and nothing.


New member
how do you get the song to play, cause pressing the play button is not working. i even right clicked and then pressed play and nothing.

You can create playlists. I have a Carrie one. Play through it about once a day, except JAD - I can't listen to that song.