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Kara DioGuardi will be writing with Carrie in a few weeks.


Active member
hmm yeah I guess but that is what separates country music from pop. pop is all about the "hot" songs and catchiest songs while country has depths and meaning. not just another "hot" song at the moment but fades the next...


New member
People will probably not like this but I think Carrie was the problem with Mama's Song. Carrie said how she didn't want the lyrics to be specific because she wanted MS to relate to everyone, not just a bride-to-be. I think this made it a little weaker and cornier for some people because the writers had to make the song more general and not include amazing, specific lyrics. I usually think MS could've been kinda like JAD. Imagine if JAD went "It was two weeks after that day/She thought nothing could ever change/All the memories she had were kept safe/Life was great" (lol I just pulled those out of nowhere) I'm telling the same story just using different words. This could apply to something like getting a first kiss or getting getting into an amazing college. Broadening the subject does make it more relatable but unfortunately it takes away the magic from creating a great story.

Undo it was amazing and the lyrics did seem more pop but Kara wasn't the only songwriter in the room. Plus Carrie got a #1 and a #2 hit from writing with Kara so of course she's going to write with her again. Who cares if the critics don't like it. It's Carrie's music and Carrie loves to write with different people.

I think Carrie should probably work with Josh Kear. The guy is responsible for two HUGE country crossover multi-platinum hits from successful multi-platinum albums that launched two artists into superstardom. The guy knows his stuff. ;)


Active member
I think Carrie knows she needs to mature as an artist, and she seems to be very self-aware.
I just can't see Carrie writing a song in the same style as she has before.
I agree Carrie needs to write with people who bring out the best in her; we've seen Carrie grow tremendously as a writer, and I think she and Kara could come up with something good if CARRIE takes more of the direction in the writing.
After all, the songs are similar in wording ("He is good, so good", "You Stole my Happy, you made me cry), and it seems as though Carrie may have had a different direction in mind, but she allowed Kara to take the reins.
We know Carrie is a better writer than that, and her style is NOT a simple as Kara's.
This is just an idea, but from all we've heard about the writing sessions over the past few years, it seems Carrie can be a strong writer when she has someone to help steer her in a stronger direction than what Kara can give her.

I loved Undo It, even though I think it could've stayed an album track, in favor of a stronger single. I wasn't a fan of Mama's Song at first, but Carrie's vocals/emotion redeem it for me, and I LOVE the softer production.
Plus the video was so heartfelt, I can't help but have a different view of the song after watching the video.
I don't think either of these songs are terrible, but we know Carrie can do so much better. I would much rather see her work with someone who recognizes her potential and choses to bring out the best in her. :D[/B]

whether or not we know who wrote what-we DO know that country writers (as far as we have seen/heard) tend to bring out the best in carrie. co-writers are crucial as they help steer the direction. I honestly can't imagine carrie writing with someone like bill anderson or hillary and sticking with something as basic and cliche as what is normally used in pop music.

that's just how I feel from what we've seen so far in comparison to all the other material but who knows, this collab may turn out to be an AMAZING COUNTRY SONG!

crossing my fingers for awesome writing sessions with carrie and her co-writers :D


Active member
Undo It is personally one of my favourite Carrie songs...but Mama's Song kind of did a bit too much cliche for me :/ she is quite a cliche writer...not so sure if I'm happy about this. To me this means:

- Same sound as last album
- Same lyrics written in different ways

Don't get me wrong I LOVE Kara and wish she sang more songs herself cause her voice is beautiful! But yeh not again with Carrie for a while please :/


Active member
Undo It is personally one of my favourite Carrie songs...but Mama's Song kind of did a bit too much cliche for me :/ she is quite a cliche writer...not so sure if I'm happy about this. To me this means:

- Same sound as last album
- Same lyrics written in different ways

Don't get me wrong I LOVE Kara and wish she sang more songs herself cause her voice is beautiful! But yeh not again with Carrie for a while please :/

^^This is what I've been trying to say in the other thread but you said it much better and much shorter, while I rambled on lol.
I want the next album to be different from PO, keep everything dynamic. Otherwise Carrie will be accused of becoming predictable. Please please don't kill me guys for saying this lol.


Active member
They haven't even begun this session & yet the negativity is off the charts. What is it going to take to get you people to actually see a positive side of a situation once in a while. Remember, there are positive things going on, but we sure wouldn't know it from the tone of everything that comes out of what are supposed to be her biggest fans. I sometimes want to slit my wrists after reading the goings on here.


Active member
They haven't even begun this session & yet the negativity is off the charts. What is it going to take to get you people to actually see a positive side of a situation once in a while. Remember, there are positive things going on, but we sure wouldn't know it from the tone of everything that comes out of what are supposed to be her biggest fans. I sometimes want to slit my wrists after reading the goings on here.

Hmmm. Not negative. Just, full of different and unique ideas I hope Carrie takes on. Her biggest fans are the most critical...just how it this point, I'm hoping Carrie makes a little spin to her genre for the fourth album. Some Hearts was country/pop. Carnival Ride saw her vocal range increase by a dramatic amount that we hadn't heard yet + became more contemporary country. Play On she began using her voice in different emotional ways and again turned more country. That's the changes I note.

At this point. I feel some fans will get 'bored' of a fourth album with the same sound. I'm still PRAYING for her to turn to rock country for this album. Love seeing her badass side but she really kills rock songs, we all know it. She needs to make a pivotal change to keep her selling, cause its quite obvious from her albums and singles, shes gradually loosing sales. Can't blame the economy because GaGa sold a million copies of her single in 5 days, so, it's doable.

Just needs to change things up to keep us interested...always love her but a fourth album of the same sound won't sit too well with me :/ even as my favourite artist...


Active member
They haven't even begun this session & yet the negativity is off the charts. What is it going to take to get you people to actually see a positive side of a situation once in a while. Remember, there are positive things going on, but we sure wouldn't know it from the tone of everything that comes out of what are supposed to be her biggest fans. I sometimes want to slit my wrists after reading the goings on here.

i have to agree wholeheartedly! :)


Active member
As we don 't always agree on which of Carries songs are our favorites, who she writes with seems to bring out just as much disagreement.
I also loved MS even more so after the video came out. I loved it for not being the big production that most of Carrie's songs have. UI was one of my favorites - loved the phrase "you stole my happy". So I for one don't mind her trying another Kara co-write. But as most others, I loved loved loved SWISLY and WCIS. I'm going to leave it in Carrie"s hands. Shes the one that'll end up having to sing them constantly for over a year. I would get so tired of those songs if I was the artist beings they have to sing them constantly and hear them on the radio all the time. So you really have to love what ends up on your album. She was so excited when PO was coming out. I don't think HER opinion has ever changed. It will be interesting to see if she goes a different direction this time with her album, as some have suggested or if she stands convicted in the old way of trying to give something to everyone. She seems to like variety rather than cohesiveness. But maybe now that she has 3 albums under her belt she may be interested in taking the critics comments into consideration. Think she has been trying to get a good selection of songs to sing at her concerts and now that she has that, may be more open to some change - and maybe not. Sure excited to see what she has for us next time!!


Active member
I'm not sure why people stating their opinions has to be considered as being negative. I haven't absolutely LOVED everything she has put out but I also understand we are an eclectic group with different likes so how can she please all of us. If Carrie has a fault, its her fans and their opinions mean a lot - that may be why her albums aren't cohesive - trying to please all of us. But I love hearing peoples opinions!! If we had a new single or song to think about maybe our comments would be more uplifting but we've been left with no way to help Carrie for too long!!


Active member
They haven't even begun this session & yet the negativity is off the charts. What is it going to take to get you people to actually see a positive side of a situation once in a while. Remember, there are positive things going on, but we sure wouldn't know it from the tone of everything that comes out of what are supposed to be her biggest fans. I sometimes want to slit my wrists after reading the goings on here.
With all due respect, what do you wish to see? a thread full of "Cool/Great/Fantastic/Love it/You Go Girl/ Love you Carrie/Keep it Up/Hang in There.....
I'm sorry but we are a little more thoughtful than that.
This thread was intended to start discussion on the fact that Kara will be writing with Carrie again. And that is what we have been doing. There are just as many positive posts as negative.
I can understand that some don't like to hear negative stuff about Carrie. But you know what? We are not all going to like everything.
One of my biggest problems with the whole PO era was the Kara cowrites. So yes, I am speaking candidly about that. I didn't mean to be a debbie downer.
If the thread started: "Parton is scheduled to Write with Carrie", I assure you I would have been all kinds of positive.
I am of course hoping for the best, and expecting that I will absolutely love the album.
But Kara has always been a pro/con charactor on this site. So it is not surprising that some are reluctant to embrace this again.