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My Storyteller Review


Renegade Runaway: interesting concept- it is one or her new songs that could've fit on other albums, but the woman being bad news is fresh territory for her and a part of the song i like. Very catchy and I love the old west theme.

Dirty Laundry: catchy song. I like the play on dirty laundry and "dirty laundry" aka one's secrets. The melody is a little lacking, but still a singalong sassy song.

Church Bells: One of my favories. The lyrics and instumants are killer. The story is complex and moves fast and the drums make you feel it. The chorus brings different meanings each time it is sung: first, Jenny hears the church bells ringing as a sign of happiness that life is going to possibly get better now she found someone rich, then as comfort the day after she gets abused, then finally a sign of hope now her husband is gone. She curses for the first time on it. I guess she finally is comfortable with it now. I do wish she would've kept the curse words in SS and SWISLY since it would've brought the emotions of the songs up.

Heartbeat: cheesy lyrics, but pretty song. Not one of my faves, but I don't dislike it. I could see that this is one song that relates to Carrie's life. She and Mike always are around people, and sometimes she wants to excape far away and just shut it all out and be with him.

Smoke Break: lyrics could be better (i.e. The rhyming drink with drink). Love the video and the fact it is a unique song and subject matter, just not a fave of mine.

Choctaw County Affair: Such a cool, fun, sassy song - and fits in too well with those true crime shows lol. Another song in which the story goes fast. Love it and is a fave of mine. The backing vocals are awesome, too.

Like I'll Never Love You Again: My least fave slower song on the album, and the title is a little misleading. By title alone, it should be a break up type song. It has romantic lyrics, which I like.

Chaser: not much to say. Probably my least favorite. I think the song format is odd and the ending doesn't fit the rest of it.

Relapse: this is Carrie's first song that implies sex, but of course not too overtly. I like that we get sensual Carrie, especially since she changed "Look At Me" to make it less so and i felt that the change made the song lose something. Carrie's vocals are great, and shows the conflict and delusion in the song quite well. I kind of felt it was similar to Kelly's Addicted.

Clock Don't Stop: Unique song, almost
like a parent's perspective of Little Toy Guns. Reminds you to not take love for granted. It has sad, but poignant, lyrics. I like the lyrical echo thing on it.

The Girl You Think I Am: I almost teared up listening to the song the first time. Carrie gets pretty personal, and I love it. It will be a travesty if it isn't played at weddings as a dad / bride dance. Gorgeous melody.

Mexico: Carrie's vocals are killer on this. This time we don't know what the crime is (probably bank robbing). I like this song, it is quite a different sound sandwitched between two sweet, gorgeous ballads about Carrie's family.

What I Never Knew I Always Wanted: The production is my only complaint, but the song is very pretty and is a beautiful tribute new mothers will relate to. The lyrics are good on
it, and Carrie's voice takes it to a place on a different level. Another of her personal songs, which she normally doesn't give us.