Carrie Underwood Fans

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Billboard Boxscore (26/09): first shows of Blown Away Tour!!!


Active member
And is all of this "whine" by all sides going to start up again tomorrow when we have the Minneapolis numbers ughhh lol??!! Hoping not. :(


New member
Guys, please, don't answer haters lol Let them try to pick on Carrie alone and they will eventually stop.


Well-known member
"Both optimists and pessimists contribute to our society. The optimist invents the airplane and the pessimist the parachute."

I think a pessimist will always think that an optimistic person is crazily unrealistic, whereas an optimist will always see a pessimistic person as well... depressingly A realistic person would probably just think both sides are nuts! Haha

It is something I have to struggle to understand AND accept as well (the different perspectives) because negativity generally frustrates and affects me. I come to CF to get away from the stress and worries of my own life, so I'm determined to have fun here and enjoy Carrie's success as much as possible. I just choose to let Carrie worry about her own life (which I'm pretty sure she in turn, with her strong faith, has chosen to just let God worry/plan for her instead).

Nobody is really at fault of posting here, just as long as we respect each other's boundaries and tolerance levels. :)