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Blown Away Release, Debut & Charting In Australia


Well-known member
BA 3rd week sales -

Stays No.3 - Country
Slips from no.16-25 - All Genre

Play On dips from 17-20 on Country!

Nice sales maintained despite the obvious 3rd week common falls but things will level out soon as the tour is approaching :)


Well-known member
Week 4 chart results -
BA remains no.3 (3rd straight week) on country albums!
BA drops from 25-35 on all-genre albums!

Keiths new Greatest Hits is certified Gold after 3 weeks on the chart (@ no.1 country albums & no.1, no.2, no.2 on all-genre!) with 35k sold!

So going by Keith's sales, I dare say Blown Away has sold between 15-20k here so far :)


Well-known member
Blown Away's 6th week charting -

-Rises 49 to 48 All Genre Top50
-Drops from 4 to 5 on Country Albums as LadyA's NYN continues to rise as their Sept/Oct Aussie tour is announced & they are playin the same venues as Carrie (minus Tamworth) :)


Well-known member
As Carrie arrives in Australia Blown Away in its 7th week -

-Slips from 5-6 on country albums
-Drops out of the top50 all-genee

Play On returns to country albums @ no.18!


Well-known member
Great news this week with the first week of the tour -

Blown Away
-Up 2 spots to no.4 on Country Albums!
-Re-entry into the all-genre top50 @ no.30!

Play On rises 4 spots to no.14 on Country Albums! (wow longevity!)


Well-known member
Great news following the very successful tour -

Blown Away
-Up 2 to no.2 Country Albums
-Up 12 to no.18 All-Genre Albums

Play On
-Up 6 to return to the top10 Country Albums @ no.8! :)


Well-known member
Back to the top 20, awesome!

Play On's selling better than I expected. This is good! :)


Well-known member
Great to see that Play On is FINALLY certified GOLD! Blown Away dips from 2-3 (country albums) & 18-39 (all-genre) while Play On drops from 8-9 (country albums)! :)


Well-known member
Blown Away has been remaining steadily @ no.7 the last few weeks while Play On returns to no.12 this week again with consistent sales! I hope a bump for Blown Away occurs soon with the Blown Away music video release in Australia this weekend. :)