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Church Bells On The Mediabase Charts


Active member
So one week later (filled with some needless hand wringing), CB gained 441 spins and 3.177 million AIs while HOLY gained 447 spins and 2.577 million AIs.

Wonder what this week will bring? Announcement of a 4th single or going for a 2nd week at #1 (especially since HOLY has not been out that long)?

I'm down for Carrie getting another week at #1. Church Bells certainly deserves multiple weeks at the top!!


New member
^ Well, I am definitely down for any combination of Mexico, Chaser, DL, CCA, or even Relapse next.

That is a sign of a GREAT album-- that there are so many amazing single choices. There are more options on this album than any prior album.

Couldn't agree more Tee! Most of the other Carrie albums there are usually only 1 or 2 songs that I love outside of the singles. The rest I like because they are Carrie's, but I don't seek them out as much on the iPod. The ST album I only skip maybe 1 or 2 songs. The rest are all golden!


Well-known member
Something tells me radio will be all about Miranda's new single this week so that could hurt CB's spins. Same label avd another female. Country Radio might not allow that much female activity at once. Lol it might implode.


New member
^So Glad Number 1# is here! CB 24th! Another week of for #1! Church Bells Ringing Ringing!
They will have to make room For Carrie and Miranda


New member
Something tells me radio will be all about Miranda's new single this week so that could hurt CB's spins. Same label avd another female. Country Radio might not allow that much female activity at once. Lol it might implode.

Seriously! For the past year I only request female country music songs to country radio.


Well-known member
So I was driving home from work, and Holy was playing on two country stations at the same exact time, changed it to christian radio than thought wait they might be doing the top 40 countdown, changed it back to Holy thinking this song will be over soon, and soon I'll be able to turn up the music and jam to Church Bells; I was wrong, no church bells instead I got downtown by Lady A, good song, but disappointing when your expecting to hear Carrie Underwood lol


New member
Something tells me radio will be all about Miranda's new single this week so that could hurt CB's spins. Same label avd another female. Country Radio might not allow that much female activity at once. Lol it might implode.
I'm definitely biased but I would be surprised if radio jumps on it (unless it is actually good for a change) past the first week. My reasoning is (not scientific - just experience) this summer I have driven A LOT in numerous states and listened to country stations along every mile. Usually when an artist - especially one considered one of the top females - is about to come out with new music there is a ramp up of their previous songs. It's like radio wants to remind listeners how much we like them. If radio was itching for something new from Miranda (as you would think they would since its been awhile) her music should have been played on radio in all of those states. I can count on 1 hand (with 2 fingers left over) how many times I have heard Miranda in the last 2 MONTHS - let alone the last few weeks. I've been wrong before in regards to Miranda so I wouldn't be surprised if it happened again. But I've heard zero buzz about a single, an album - nothing. The only reason I know now is because of this site. We know radio has been kind to Kelsea - maybe they have their new female (since they can't seem to like more than 2 at a time).


Active member
Something tells me radio will be all about Miranda's new single this week so that could hurt CB's spins. Same label avd another female. Country Radio might not allow that much female activity at once. Lol it might implode.
First there is no way for the release of a single to have that big an impact on a song that is getting as any spins as CB is. Second, radio does not exactly love Miranda. They are very supportive, but not that supportive.
Finally, sorry RanFans, but based on just the rough soundcheck I heard, it does not have "smash" written on it. It sounds very midtempo almost slow grind. The type of song that people are going to have to hear over and over to get comfortable with...

Aside from a big splash for a day or two, I see it going not further than that and starting off its run rather routinely...

Especially when you consider that radio really likes Kelseas new song a lot.....(and it is growing on me as well)


Well-known member
Sony decided to give Carrie one huge push before Miranda single is released, and well church bells got so many spins overnight that it broked mediabase lol jk

Cary, or maddkat where's the update at?