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Good Girl Charting On CMC Australia


Well-known member
That's awesome! :) I'm glad to see Good Girl is being well-received in Australia. Thanks for the information. Are you excited for her visit in June?


Well-known member
That's awesome! Congratulations Carrie! I'm glad that the Australians are showing their support for Carrie! I'm excited for her Australian tour in June/July. Thanks for the update, AdrianAustraliaCarrie. :)


Well-known member
Well guess what guys! No GG hasn't hit no.1 this week yet lol like I said it would, but we have 'chart manipulation' - but don't worry it's all in good cause :p

CMC have moved RF Banjo to no.1 this weekend whilst keeping GG at no.2 for a 2nd week as they're trying to stretch out GG closer to the tour (because we have no Blown Away yet & they won't receive it's music video until the tour starts) for further promotion & to give GG multiple weeks at the top! Expect Good Girl to hit the top next week for 2 weeks at no.1 from June 2nd to June 16th! Wouldn't it be great, & u never know it may happen, If we get a 3rd week up until the 23rd - considering the tour & how big Carrie/GG is here/becoming! :) I better not talk too 'soon' - like I already have haha