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Good Girl Charting On CMC Australia


New member
If you haven't bought tickets to see @carrieunderwood in #Tamworth yet, do it now.Just saw her at #CMAfest . Brilliant! Gavin Flanagan's Photo: If you haven't bought tickets to see @carrieunderwood in #Tamworth yet, do it now.Just saw her at #CMAfest . Brilliant! | Lockerz

This guy is Mgr., Business Events, Tamworth Regional Council. He's tweeted me some while he's been in Nashville. He tweeted me again tonight saying he knew why we love Carrie so much. Glad he tweeted the above tweet & hope he will really plug Carrie when he gets back to Australia.


Well-known member
Awesome! :) I'm excited for Carrie's Australian fans. Its great that she's finally touring there. I'm glad people are getting behind Carrie and really helping to promote her internationally. She will no doubt gain new fans when she visits Australia later this month.


Well-known member
Hey everyone!
Exciting news - Carrie makes an Aussie record this weekend with a 3rd week @ no.1 on CMC with Good Girl! This makes GG Carrie's most successful Aussie single/music video ever & the only music video to spend 3 weeks @ no.1 the last year or so! :D

Before He Cheats & Last Name are now Carrie's 2nd best charting videos with 2 weeks each. :) Anyone for 4 weeks!?lol


Well-known member
Nope I'm just watching the countdown now live on CMC & Good Girl slipped from no.1 to no.2 after 3 weeks @ no.1! Great achievement Carrie! Not long to go now before the Aussie Blown Away road trip begins!


Well-known member
& Good Girl spends its last week in the top30 this week at no.30 after a massive 4 months & triple weeks @ no.1! Everyone wave bye bye bye bye byeeeee byeeeeeeeee! Let's get Blown Away! :)