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Help with my new blog


New member
Hey everyone,

I'm in journalism school and for one of my classes, we are required to start a blog on a topic that interests us. I decided to go with something I've been thinking of doing for a while, and that's a blog about female country musicians. The pieces I'm graded on are going to be the more in depth things I do on the state of the industry and how women have risen to the top in the last 10, 20 years, but I'm also going to do daily and weekly stuff for just news stories on women, new music that's out, some mini-reviews, and things of that nature.

For my first in depth piece (and unfortunately I have a word requirement so it won't be as in depth as it could be), I'm doing something on how women appear more often and higher up on the charts than in the past.

My question for you guys, does anyone remember a week in the last couple years where there were a lot of women in the Top 10 specifically? I'm thinking 4 women at least. I will be going through the Billboard charts to see if I can find one, but I thought it might be easier if someone can remember a week off the top of their head.

And if anyone wants to check it out (and I'd appreciate some hits, since the person with the most hits gets a prize at the end of the semester haha), you can go to Country Remix or follow it on Twitter @countryremix

I chose the name because I was talking to my friend about how Taylor Swift remixes her singles and it upsets me (not that you guys need to be told that), and she said hey, if you're blog is about how women are mixing things up, then maybe country remix would be a good name. I'm really excited about this blog and hopefully I can develop it into something cool down the road.