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Weekly Album Sales, Blown Away, Week 12


Active member
It does no good to look at the % especially on a Monday. I don't even know why they do Monday numbers as they are pretty useless at this point


Well-known member
The put the Monday numbers out there for us geeks who like to look and analyze the numbers before the final numbers come out!-)


Well-known member
The reporting order could be off she may even increase this week. Not clear.

But I really can't wait to see if the video helps sales a wee bit. I am not expecting an explosion, but I bet it will give her a respectable increase.


Well-known member
a 7% drop isn't bad and maybe the numbers are higher when we see the actual numbers tomorrow..

I do agree though that the video needs to come out!


Well-known member
True 7% drops are better then what Carrie had every week for awhile there. ha ha

But come on already: can't we see a teeny weeny increase every once in awhile? Even 1%? :)


Active member
I think the only thing the video will do as far as sales are concern may be the single will go up in Itunes sales.


New member
do you really think the video is gonna help her sell more records??? I sure do hope so!!!

I DO NOT THINK, so. "RADIO AIRPLAY" is the MOST IMPORTANT FORCE in selling LARGE QUANTITIES of "CD's" - MOST ESPECIALLY, "IF", the single "Blown Away" will CROSSOVER to MAINSTREAM POP/ROCK "RADIO AIR WAVE". And I THINK - IT WILL!!! "Team Carrie" will PUSH, PUSH, PUSH this "GOLD MINE" to become a "MONSTER HIT" - "WITHOUT REMIXING THE SONG" ...... Just on time - BEFORE - "Black Friday 2012" and for "2012 Christmas Holiday Shopping". COMBINATION OF - "Airplay" and "Using established contacts and clout in STORES ("PUSH SUPPLY") like - Walmart, Target, Best Buy, etc." - starting from "Black Friday" to ONE WEEK AFTER, "Christmas Day". The end of the "ACTIVE PROMOTION CAMPAIGN" SHOULD BE December 30, 2012. Unless there is ANOTHER "GOLD MINE" as a "MONSTER HIT" after "Blown Away SINGLE", I THINK, the sales will continue to drop AFTER "BLOWN AWAY SINGLE".


New member
you should be president hahaha I feel a storm coming!! and anyway it takes a single's sales effect to come around a month or 2 after its release, i mean look at LIGHTS by that ellie girl or TITANIUM, plus dont forget the festivities that carriewill be on the TECHERS thing, that thingwith keith urbam(im bad at names for those things) so just have faith and with the right songs released as singles( GIG #3, TBC #4, iDC FOR THE REST JUST WANT THOSE OUT IN THAT ORDER HAHA) its good just dot expect a DIAMOD certification, with 2x platinum or higher for the album ill be happy :) u gotta be humble sometimes


New member
When "Blown Away" reaches Top 20 on Country radio and/or the album receives a discount it will increase in sales.


Well-known member
Then we are in for a long haul. :( Down to 13k already. Something has to give. She has not increased once since it came out, whereas many other artists have had small to moderate weekly increases on occasion.

If the video cannot help create more buzz for album sales, then what can be done?


New member
Then we are in for a long haul. :( Down to 13k already. Something has to give. She has not increased once since it came out, whereas many other artists have had small to moderate weekly increases on occasion.

If the video cannot help create more buzz for album sales, then what can be done?

Unless either BA or another single becomes a crossover hit that makes people go to sites to listen to the whole album it isn't likely to increase unless it goes on sale.

The non core fans who are country fans have likely already heard the album and have made up their mind to either buy or not buy the albums, so IMO fans of other genres are going to have to go out and but the album to have sales increase.


New member
Let's see theres this little Holiday coming up at the end of the year called CHRISTMAS.... And since it's gonna be BLOWN AWAYS first CHRISTMAS i bet it's gonna be very very special...BLOWN AWAY is gonna finish the year giving all CARRIEFANS a PLATINUM album for CHRISTMAS.. THIS IS A RUSSERDAMUS GUARANTEE....BLOWN AWAY WILL BE PLATINUM BY CHRISTMAS!!!!!