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Weekly Album Sales- Blown Away- Week 25


New member
Jason outsold the rest of the Top 15 combined, that is VERY impressive even in the crapfest that album sales have become.

I guess that TMZ scandal turned out to be free publicity more than anything else. What a sucky world we live in. :p


Well-known member
BA the single is nice and steady. :)

album sales are steady too. But I do hope they do something for Black Friday. And they better release single 3 asap now that BA peaked. They need a single on the radio to gave solid Christmas sales.


New member
I'm glad Carrie's sales have stayed so steady. I hope the CMAs can give her a nice boost. The album will probably sell around 1.5 million copies but I really hope it can reach 2 million. I just hope they pick the right singles and I'm excited for single #3. Also, does anyone know what caused the increase in pretty much all of the country albums? Was there a sale on iTunes or did Jason's album (which is amazing by the way) make people buy other country albums or was it something else?


What does it matter if the album "peaked"? I want to see another single and video too, but we all know by now that Carrie does things her own way and she's still out there being amazing.