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Idol sales - 11/28/2012


Active member
Actually-it came out 7 months before Blown Away. It came out November 1, so that is 7 months before Carrie's did.

If only the voters would stop snubbing Carrie already. They can't stop Carrie from selling albums to her fans though, as hard as they may try. lol

clearly they can't make Miranda's start LOL


Active member
^^Before Revolution, the previous 2 albums did take some time before reaching platinum. I think Crazy Ex-Girlfriend took 1 year (?) but it did reach 1M in sales. For those who know the exact stats please correct me :). Then of course Miranda's career soared after White Liar and House, and as a consequence Revolution reached platinum faster than the previous albums.
I don't know if Christmas season will boost FTR sales enough to make it closer to platinum.
Well after this Christmas season, FTR will have had the benefit of 2 holiday seasons. I'm guessing that it will still be far away from reaching the platinum status.

IMO it still boils down to the fact, that she continues to get shoved down the throats of the public and they just aren't buying it. Her hype is based on the shoving and pushing and it clearly isn't working or being all that successful.
No offence, I think is hard for FTR to reach platinum status in few months, even it sell 7k every week, 340k/7k=48weeks? around 1 year more. Maybe during Christmas, it would sell alot, but after that i'm wondering FTR got that power to sell 7k everyweek to reach platinum or not.. :rolleyes:


Active member
No offence, I think is hard for FTR to reach platinum status in few months, even it sell 7k every week, 340k/7k=48weeks? around 1 year more. Maybe during Christmas, it would sell alot, but after that i'm wondering FTR got that power to sell 7k everyweek to reach platinum or not.. :rolleyes:

FTR has been selling around 3000 per week for the past several months. This 7k was a sales spike. Being over a year old, I doubt it's going to sell better than 3k per week from here on out, except for a few sales spikes. I think it's going to top out at 800k.


Active member
Exctatic at all these sales!! Carrie is on FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIREEE!! XD

Also, just to everyone who is slamming Miranda right now, might I remind you that sales do not necessarily determine the quality of a work or the respect that it deserves (i.e. Red has already sold 2 million copies, but IMO does little to justify it as a 'legendary' album)

DISCLAIMER: (and before I get accused of not being a fan of Carrie's again) I am NOT in any way (or in any way, shape, form, 3D image etc...) implying that I prefer FTR to BA, all I'm saying is that people shouldn't necessarily be slamming Miranda based on her Gold album.


Active member
No slamming from me. I'm just stating stats. Album sales, individual track sales, chart performance per track, concert sales, .... all point to BA>>>FTR and Carrie>>>Miranda. You know, it's like that Verizon 4G coverage commercial. No matter how you look at the data, the data doesn't lie. Verizon>>AT&T ...


Active member
No slamming from me. I'm just stating stats. Album sales, individual track sales, chart performance per track, concert sales, .... all point to BA>>>FTR and Carrie>>>Miranda. You know, it's like that Verizon 4G coverage commercial. No matter how you look at the data, the data doesn't lie. Verizon>>AT&T ...

3 out of those 4 (the bolded ones) all point to Red >>> BA and Taylor >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Carrie. Just saying.


New member
Great Sales for Carrie as for some hearts still selling 7 years later some albums that came out 15 or 20 years ago still sell Mariah Carey's Daydream for instance was released 17 years ago and has sold about 35k this year granted a lot of Record Stores are going out of business lately so thats part of it SHWRN's new album was just certified 3x platinum in about a month of release


Active member
Some exact sales numbers below. I've updated the first post with these numbers.

Sales this week, Percent change, Sales last week, Total
UNDERWOOD*CARRIE BLOWN AWAY 73,679 349 16,427 1,009,916
UNDERWOOD*CARRIE SOME HEARTS 16,578 789 1,865 7,267,352

UNDERWOOD*CARRIE BLOWN AWAY 44,495 1 44,181 1,376,938
UNDERWOOD*CARRIE GOOD GIRL 12,128 10 11,075 1,436,891