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Miranda Lambert "Four the Record" Era


Active member
So is AKOK done?

I assume since she did not promote it at CMA that it is done?

I won't bother asking about the Keith song, cause i already know where thats headed.

The inks already dry in the books for #1. We can predict that like predicting the sun coming up.

AKOK has had several negative days now. It's been stagnant at #17 while other songs zoom past it and peaked songs go below it or go recurrent. I think AKOK is done and peaks outside of the top 15.


New member
I always find it interesting when fans bring up the reasons Carrie may be pigeonholed; at this point; it must be frustrating for Carrie to be stuck in a mold she wants to break out of.

It seems like a lot of artists don't care about being pigeonholed, and a lot of those artists stick to that image to keep their fans happy. Martina has a fantastic voice, but she's been stuck in a rut for years, to the point where she's almost become a parody of herself. The same could be said for Taylor, Luke, Blake, etc. The general public knows what to expect from these artists, and therefore it becomes pretty predictable and people move on after awhile.

But Carrie has always embraced different styles, and actually proves she will not be stuck in the same rut throughout her career, or become stereotyped as being a certain "type" of artist.

I think the issue a lot of people have with Carrie is that, despite her efforts to branch out, she still comes off as incredibly commercial. She's got the looks, the voice, the personality, and to some people all of that just comes across as too safe.

While Carrie has continued to move forward, I don't really think she's done anything as of yet to make people take true notice of her as an artist. She's making strides, and that's clearly something that's important to her, but IMO, she's still got some work to do if she wants to change the general perception.

Honestly, I think even a small change could potentially make a big difference for Carrie. A different sound, an edgier look, or something to bring her out of her comfort zone.

Carrie does seem to have a disadvantage though, because I'm sure no matter what she does, people will still find something negative to say. I can see why she's perceived the way she is among the GP, though.

I've always gotten the impression Carrie wants to have something for everybody on her albums; I think getting away from that mindset might help her free up her artistic ambitions a bit. While I admire her dedication to keep her fans satisfied, sometimes artists need time to discover they can create art for themselves, and not for other people.

I've always felt Carrie's song selection was a little on the weak side. While I respect that she records songs that are meaningful to her, she isn't likely to create a memorable career off unmemorable fare. So, I think if Carrie just let go a little bit, selected stronger songs, and did something completely unexpected, she could build a different perception. Right now, I can see why she's stuck where she's at, though, and time could change that, if she plays her cards correctly.


Active member
While i agree Carrieflatts, think of it another way.

Someone like frank sinatra did not "change" necessarily. He did emerse himself in different "projects". recordings with Antonio Carlos Jobim and other such experimental things. but his image of who he was and what he was about did not change. And as styles came and went throughout his career, the respect that people had for him never changed. Partly because he did not allow himself to be "turned into something that was trending".
There are many artists that you can site that are the same way.
The define themselves as something of an expert in their style and are smart to stay close to home so people don't confuse their efforts as "trends seekers". Trend seekers always end up looking cheaper. And would have been smart to stay well defined.
Females are a bit different. Tehy are more entitled to change their image abit. But it is still a dangerous game. Carrie will always have that masterful voice to rely on, but like Martine, a voice alone does not make success. There has to be an image that people "recognize, accept and relate to".

I agree that I don't wish for another "Carrie Underwood Album" that stays so safe within the country/Pop mainstream market place. But to change it too dramatically all at once can either redefine her as an artist, or it can be a complete misstep.

Following her heart is the only thing that will keep her fresh and alive and "believable".

Martina has fallen on hard times, cause her music is just not believeable at the moment. HEr latest effort was a complete farce.
She needs to figure out who she wants to be, and begin building an image of that.
Carrie has done brilliantly in doing so,.........

Are you sure you want her to "take a chance" at this moment........?


Well-known member
4 time Female vocalist of the Year, Miranda Lambert peaked at #15!

19. -2 MIRANDA LAMBERT All Kinds Of Kinds... -83 spins, -0.430 million airplay.

#flopmashing lol


Active member
Thank God.

If I was going to choose a liberation anthem for "being yourself" it would be Follow Your Arrow.

All Kinds of Kinds is a terrible title alone. It sounds like a cheap knock off of a Dr.Suess Book.

(see I can say what I really think of the song now cause its chart run is over.)