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Poor support this week as carrie fan

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on cmt and gactv top 20 countdoen we did not no good at on voting for remind me. we did so bad on supporting carrie jason aldean fans even did better than use. I know this is our first we. But thats no excuse at people and use male is who im talking to escpeically. but i'm talking to everyone(including myself because i'm, saying this stuff) and you people wondered why io wanted to make a thread and talk to males. because use together haven't been doing as good as we normally do. This is pathic and poor support of use as fans. this is why i wanted to talk to males about this. But i'm not going to get into that. I'm talking to every single soul on this dang board. Don't ever let no poor voting like this ever happen again. we looked like punks on the countdown/ just because number one is the smallest number on the countdown doesn't mean it's not the best number people. Let show some improvement. :mad:


why i was just saying we got do better on our voting. but since you want to take to that level f*** you. show some damn respect on my thread.


New member
shut up! stop posting crap on here! And learn some god damn grammar, it doesn't have to be perfect but my god you type like a 10 year old.


i just want carrie to be number. i just wish whats best for Carrie.


Active member
im just saying that we have to improve on our voting thats all i'm saying and everyone is yelling at me for it

When your threads get locked or deleted the way several of your threads have been, that's usually an indication that something's wrong with them. Take the hint please.

You keep on posting thread after thread of stuff like this as if you deliberately want to rile people up. It seems to me you enjoy stirring up trouble. There are lots of ways to support Carrie that are more productive and effective, posting threads like this is not one of them.


When your threads get locked or deleted the way several of your threads have been, that's usually an indication that something's wrong with them. Take the hint please.

You keep on posting thread after thread of stuff like this as if you deliberately want to rile people up. It seems to me you enjoy stirring up trouble. There are lots of ways to support Carrie that are more productive and effective, posting threads like this is not one of them.

no it's just that i want to let us lovely carrie fans know that we need to vote and show more support to carrie can be the biggest sucess she can be that all. :)


New member
stop being a troll and contribute like everyone else on here instead of continually posting things that make you look incompetent. your threads will continue to be locked just like every other one has until you learn.


you all are being so i mean. i want carrie to be the best she can be. i'm sorry:(


if you did vote good job if not you have to do better as a carrie fan voter. i dont have to say any names. you know who you are.
if you did vote good job if not you have to do better as a carrie fan voter. i dont have to say any names. you know who you are.

I'm not the type to get nasty - but lay off! You have no right to tell us how to vote. You've been called out more than once, just stop.


hi sugarlandfan. i was telling the carrie fans we need to get her to number one on the top 20 countdown. glad you enjoy use carrie fans. because we enjoy having you around.


New member
If Carrie only saw this thread.

Just cannot believe we call ourselves "Care Bears" when we do nothin' but bash another Carrie fan. What if Carrie was on here and read all of the hate that is being said? Did not Carrie say we fans of her are "classy"? Does not look like it to me. Other fan bases come on here to. It just shows how rude we Carrie fans are.

No wonder no one likes Carrie's fans. Zero respect for others. Did you ever wonder what the persons motive is? Maybe English is not their 1st language and don't "talk" like we do? Maybe this person does not know how to speak in a way that's not harmful, like this is how they are in real life. But are really nice if you got to "know" them.

I do not know this person, but I'am here to show that I'am a "Care Bear". See the quotations marks? I like to practice what I preach and not give Carrie or her fans a bad name. I'm not perfect. This forum is open and not closed up like on the fan club site. And you know trash talk like this will never be accepted.

You would not believe how many twitter fights I have been with Taylor fans bashing Carrie. Sure, it was always "Team Carrie" that was the winner, but I did it with "respect" and in the end, end up gaining 1 or 2 Taylor followers. Sure most of her fans are teens and most of Carrie fans are adults.

And it does not matter how much this person seem to irritate you, please if you have to cuss, do so in private message and not in a public forum that is very popular to outsiders. This site is very popular because of Carrie. I'm sure most of you have never been to Taylor's forum site, but I will tell you that trash talking like this you will never see.

Let's show Carrie that we are "classy". Especially with other fan bases.
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