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Poor support this week as carrie fan

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New member
Just cannot believe we call ourselves "Care Bears" when we do nothin' but bash another Carrie fan. What if Carrie was on here and read all of the hate that is being said? Did not Carrie say we fans of her are "classy"? Does not look like it to me. Other fan bases come on here to. It just shows how rude we Carrie fans are.

No wonder no one likes Carrie's fans. Zero respect for others. Did you ever wonder what the persons motive is? Maybe English is not their 1st language and don't "talk" like we do? Maybe this person does not know how to speak in a way that's not harmful, like this is how they are in real life. But are really nice if you got to "know" them.

I do not know this person, but I'am here to show that I'am a "Care Bear". See the quotations marks? I like to practice what I preach and not give Carrie or her fans a bad name. I'm not perfect. This forum is open and not closed up like on the fan club site. And you know trash talk like this will never be accepted.

You would not believe how many twitter fights I have been with Taylor fans bashing Carrie. Sure, it was always "Team Carrie" that was the winner, but I did it with "respect" and in the end, end up gaining 1 or 2 Taylor followers. Sure most of her fans are teens and most of Carrie fans are adults.

And it does not matter how much this person seem to irritate you, please if you have to cuss, do so in private message and not in a public forum that is very popular to outsiders. This site is very popular because of Carrie. I'm sure most of you have never been to Taylor's forum site, but I will tell you that trash talking like this you will never see.

Let's show Carrie that we are "classy". Especially with other fan bases.

I get what your saying and all but maybe you didn't get that this person is from florida, and has continually posted threads that are not respectful to anyone here at all, and no offense but i highly doubt there has never been any type of disrespect on a taylor forum considering how all her fans are kids. That and there are many people are here that do not like taylor and have every right not to. Not sure why anything to do with taylor is relevant on this post anyway. You get respect by showing it and earning it, carriehq has yet to do that.


Well-known member
And it does not matter how much this person seem to irritate you, please if you have to cuss, do so in private message and not in a public forum that is very popular to outsiders. This site is very popular because of Carrie. I'm sure most of you have never been to Taylor's forum site, but I will tell you that trash talking like this you will never see.
I'm not trying to defend this site or this thread because I have my own share of frustrations here sometimes as well (I think it always happens when the fansite is huge and has diverse members tbh)...... but I do want to say that I have been to one popular Taylor fansite before, and what I noticed was that the mod(s) delete any posts that contain arguments very very very quickly. So I don't agree with the "never" in your post :p


Active member
Just cannot believe we call ourselves "Care Bears" when we do nothin' but bash another Carrie fan. What if Carrie was on here and read all of the hate that is being said? Did not Carrie say we fans of her are "classy"? Does not look like it to me. Other fan bases come on here to. It just shows how rude we Carrie fans are.

No wonder no one likes Carrie's fans. Zero respect for others. Did you ever wonder what the persons motive is? Maybe English is not their 1st language and don't "talk" like we do? Maybe this person does not know how to speak in a way that's not harmful, like this is how they are in real life. But are really nice if you got to "know" them.

I do not know this person, but I'am here to show that I'am a "Care Bear". See the quotations marks? I like to practice what I preach and not give Carrie or her fans a bad name. I'm not perfect. This forum is open and not closed up like on the fan club site. And you know trash talk like this will never be accepted.

You would not believe how many twitter fights I have been with Taylor fans bashing Carrie. Sure, it was always "Team Carrie" that was the winner, but I did it with "respect" and in the end, end up gaining 1 or 2 Taylor followers. Sure most of her fans are teens and most of Carrie fans are adults.

And it does not matter how much this person seem to irritate you, please if you have to cuss, do so in private message and not in a public forum that is very popular to outsiders. This site is very popular because of Carrie. I'm sure most of you have never been to Taylor's forum site, but I will tell you that trash talking like this you will never see.

Let's show Carrie that we are "classy". Especially with other fan bases.
This is your first post that you are reading, after awhile you will see that we do have respect for each other. Also, a lot of Carrie fans also like Taylor.


Active member
what the heck is a grammar?

I am not sure if you are deliberately trying to get us stirred up or not, but just in case you actually are unaware of what grammar is, I shall post the definition here for you. I will also pray for whatever educational school system you have managed to find yourself away from, because this is a rather large gap in your knowledge. Whether it is simple ignorance on your part or lack of tutelage on part of whatever institution you hail from, this is really unacceptable.

Grammar: the use of language with regard to its correctness or social propriety, esp in syntax

As for the other posts in this thread, I must say that I concur with Becca, Claire, and anyone else that posted their displeasure at your continued disregard for our feelings concerning your past threads. Those threads were closed for a reason. Please respect that.

Carrie&Taylor, I have sent you a private message regarding your post in this thread. At the time of sending, I had not come to the realization that it was your first post. Nevertheless, I think my response to your thoughts on how classy we are here is still accurate. If anyone else reading this thread would like to peruse my private message to our newest addition to the family that is, you are welcome to.


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