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Weekly Album Sales, Blown Away Era, Week 32


New member
Great sales boost, And a certain fan base tried saying she "can't sell without discounts" those trolling ****s.

I'm glad with the boost, hoping to end the year with 1.2M if possible. :)


New member
It it stays steady, it's gonna sell ~1,160,000 by the end of the year. Hopefully it can hit 1,2M :)


Well-known member
I hope they discount it on itunes too. They did not do that for Black Friday, so maybe they are saving itunes sales for the week before and after Christmas, when people have itunes gift cards to spend.

30k is very good. I hope she can increase more this week and then have a really strong Christmas week.


New member
Older people also buy albums online too!

They do but the biggest advantage to having it on store shelves is when people see it, it prompts them to buy it whereas with online, unless there is a banner of some sort or the album is in the top 10, there is nothing to prompt, so the artist misses out on those impulse sales. Especially on Christmas eve when people are desperate. lol.


Active member
There was plenty of BA on the shelves when I went to walmart tonight. I put them front and center and maybe of put TS cd back in the classical section:)


New member
I have been sure to put SWSRN cd behind a christmas album at starbucks. It has stayed there for days and days now. No one is buying the christmas album.