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Weekly Album Sales, Blown Away Era, Week 32


New member
They do but the biggest advantage to having it on store shelves is when people see it, it prompts them to buy it whereas with online, unless there is a banner of some sort or the album is in the top 10, there is nothing to prompt, so the artist misses out on those impulse sales. Especially on Christmas eve when people are desperate. lol.

Hmm, maybe some of the CDs could find their way to the impulse racks next to the checkout. :rolleyes:


New member
I like it! How do we do that?

Just e-mail them saying they should discount Blown Away next week, saying like you need another copy, blah blah blah, psychological pressure x) I got this e-mail from one of her Black-Friday-discount e-mails.

Or on twitter, say "Please, discount Carrie's Blown Away for Christmas next week". If we do it massively, it should work.

All the times I have seen it work, it was for a pretty specific thing, like, discount an album so it could go Platinum or because it was the album release anniversary, discount a track so it could get a higher peak, etc. Funny because they discounted the records the week the fanbases asked them to. :)


Active member
I am really happy wih these numbers.
Of course there is a selfish part of me that wants her higher. But I know these are strong and I have to stop thinking in the SH era.
As far as stocking, there is no doubt that stocking still counts.
You only have to see how many copies of Red are out there to realize that stocking counts.
21 was also very pelntiful during its mega-run.
Its basic human nature, and marketers already know, you have to put something in front of most people to get them to buy it. The idea that everyone and thier brother is going to their computers turn them on go to itunes search for Carrie Underwood and start Buying is just a tip of the iceberg of how an album sells.
There are going to be a ton of Red's under christmas trees this season because they were on the end isle just as you turned the corner and had one more gift to buy for your cousin/daughter/wife/sister/grandchild/grandniece/friend/coworker.........
And if BA matched Red Cd for Cd with equal shelf space the difference between the two would be much closer.
Just sayin.
And I know that is just the way marketing works and there is no point in beating a dead horse, but it is important for me to keep in my head to recognize how one cd can sell so much more that the vast majority of those around it.


Well-known member
Phillip Phillips' album sales stay strong in third week
Blown Away - 31,000 (1,067,000)
Some Hearts - 3,000 (7,274,000)
Play On - 2,000 (2,155,000)

Blown Away - 29,000 (1,437,000)
Two Black Cadillacs - 11,000 (65,000)
Good Girl - 7,000 (1,452,000)
Before He Cheats - 5,000 (3,620,000)
Remind Me - 3,000 (1,699,000)

Thanks for all these numbers! Great overview! The numbers look really good, too. And that seems like a nice pick-up in pacing for Two Black Cadillacs - especially since the video isn't out yet and the song hasn't reached the Top 20 on country radio yet. It will soon, for sure!