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Weekly Album Sales, Blown Away Era, Week 36


TBC's entire release has been kind of weird w/ regards to timing (delay of the video only adds to this). I feel like maybe they should've just stuck w/ BA 'til after the holidays? That probably would've been entirely too long of a wait, though. IDK, I just feel like timing has really affected TBC's digital presence - it got a little lost in-the-shuffle.

Yet another reason why Two Black Cadillacs should not have followed Blown Away as the third single. I'm really sad for its current state. :(


New member
Exactly how would Carrie have benefited by waiting out? There would have been a good few months without a single on radio, during the busiest shopping period.


Active member
I don't think they should have waited either to release TBC. I think its a great 3rd single and my coutry radio station is playing it a lot. They are also still playing BA too but I do hear TBC mutliple times on the radio each day. I just think we probably need another live performance of the song and the video needs to be released really soon.


Active member
While tbc isn't doing as we'll as many we're hoping (sale wise) I think we all got a little spoiled for one thing lol and the video not being out is a huge factor in my opinion.


New member
TBC's entire release has been kind of weird w/ regards to timing (delay of the video only adds to this). I feel like maybe they should've just stuck w/ BA 'til after the holidays? That probably would've been entirely too long of a wait, though. IDK, I just feel like timing has really affected TBC's digital presence - it got a little lost in-the-shuffle.

They couldn't have waited six months to release another single after BA, IMO timing has nothing at all to do with sales being affected, people are either going to buy a song or they are not going to buy it.

Eder Rodrigues

Well-known member
TBC isn't doing as good as you wanted because Blown Away still is selling a lot! There's nothing to do with the fact of being released as third single. Since her performance on AMAs is selling an average of 20,000/week. Calm down people.


New member
TBC has been absolutely killing it on the radio, and you guys think it was a mistake to release it? No, it maybe hasn't been selling as well as we thought it would, but a lot of factors have gone into that (holidays, etc). As someone pointed out (not sure if it was this thread or another one), TBC's sales at this point in its chart run have been comparable to Carrie's other platinum singles. I think it's doing just fine, and its sales will certainly pick up soon with the video release, and hopefully some TV performances such as Idol.


Active member
Yet another reason why Two Black Cadillacs should not have followed Blown Away as the third single. I'm really sad for its current state. :(

TBC's current state is not that bad, in fact, it's actually quite okay. Look at its most recent sales:

Exact sales numbers for Carrie:

BLOWN AWAY: TW=23,277, -37%, LW=36,916, Total=1,226,056 (888,892 physical albums)
PLAY ON: 1,765, -47%, 3,351, 2,167,960
SOME HEARTS: 1,678, -51%, 3,391, 7,287,920

BLOWN AWAY: 58,636, -57%, 135,675, 1,694,722
TWO BLACK CADILLACS: 32,071, -31%, 46,483, 177,703
GOOD GIRL: 25,370, -57%, 58,360, 1,552,186
BEFORE HE CHEATS: 14,469, -49%, 28,482, 3,676,000

If TBC was not released during the Christmas season, then it would have missed out on selling 46.5k and 32.1k the past two weeks. If you compare sales of TBC to Carrie's past singles, it is selling worst than the singles that are or will be 2x Platinum, but it is selling equal or better than singles that have reached Platinum.

We are only 2 months into TBC's chart run, and 177k sales is sad? :confused:

With only 1 live performance and no promotion to speak of yet, I think 177k is good. Just wait for the video, more live performances, radio interviews, a release to Hot AC. TBC is about to enter the top 10 country digital singles and the top 10 on the charts. Perhaps we are a bit spoiled by the superb GG and BA sales.

To put the TBC sales in a proper prospective, compare the sales of it versus other country songs that are in the top 12 to top 25, and see where it ranks.


New member
TBC's current state is not that bad, in fact, it's actually quite okay. Look at its most recent sales:

If TBC was not released during the Christmas season, then it would have missed out on selling 46.5k and 32.1k the past two weeks. If you compare sales of TBC to Carrie's past singles, it is selling worst than the singles that are or will be 2x Platinum, but it is selling equal or better than singles that have reached Platinum.

We are only 2 months into TBC's chart run, and 177k sales is sad? :confused:

With only 1 live performance and no promotion to speak of yet, I think 177k is good. Just wait for the video, more live performances, radio interviews, a release to Hot AC. TBC is about to enter the top 10 country digital singles and the top 10 on the charts. Perhaps we are a bit spoiled by the superb GG and BA sales.

To put the TBC sales in a proper prospective, compare the sales of it versus other country songs that are in the top 12 to top 25, and see where it ranks.

Thank you, thank you!!!!