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Church Bells On The Mediabase Charts


Active member
The possibility that a 2nd child is a high family priority could increase the number of singles from ST due to down time.


Well-known member
^ agree. She cannot even start Album 6 until January or February. Even if she rushed it we won't get a new album until late fall of 2017 or spring 2018--- depending on whether she has s baby or not. She could release an album even if pregnant I suppose but hold off on touring etc.

Either way- her team needs 5 singles to tide them over between albums. Keith may release The Fighter after her 5th single as his album era just started really.


Well-known member
The possibility that a 2nd child is a high family priority could increase the number of singles from ST due to down time.

Agree and theg do have Keith's The Fighter song as well. He could be waiting till her album era winds down to release it. That's what Brad did with Remind Me if I recall. It was between albums for Carrie.


Active member
What doesn't make sense is the fact that Carrie didn't sing Dirty Laundry at CMA Fest (or at least it wasn't listed on her published set list), but she did sing Choctaw County Affair. They knew it was going to air in August, so maybe Choctaw could be the fourth single?


Well-known member
^ That's what alot of us thought too. But Sirius Highway rarely if ever plays album tracks randomly. And they are playing Dirty Laundry just like they played Keith Urban's new single Blue a few days after his Wasted Time peaked. They are simply playing it early I think. That other radio station is playing DL too.

So perhaps CCA is the next single after DL? It is very odd that they did not debut DL at the CMA Fest though. I still don't get that. Unless they are saving its debut for another tv opportunity like CMAs? But that is so long from now. Surely it will be debuted on tv before the CMAs.


New member
I agree it kind strange for sirius radio to play tack randomly. But seeing that Carrie had performed CCA at the CMA fest kind had me thinking it was going to be Choctaw County Affair. Now I am not sure either way. Just hoping Carrie puts out both of these singles


Well-known member
Ok Windmills posted a few interesting things. She thinks that Sony is waiting until after Kenny's big duet with Pink is debuted next week. Then they will announce Dirty Laundry the following week. Makes sense.



Active member
Giving what Windmills said, I guess DL is defintly single #4.
I'm beyond happy. It's a great song.

Hopefully, they'll give CCA a chance as the single #5. That could close the era perfectly.
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Active member
What doesn't make sense is the fact that Carrie didn't sing Dirty Laundry at CMA Fest (or at least it wasn't listed on her published set list), but she did sing Choctaw County Affair. They knew it was going to air in August, so maybe Choctaw could be the fourth single?
IMO, it makes perfect sense that she didn't perform Dirty Laundry for CMA Fest, this way DL can have its first or biggest tv (award) performance on the CMA show in Nov. I think this year especially the ratings for the CMA Fest show are going to be low with people preparing to watch the Olympics (they are a few events that actually start before the opening ceremony) and then if CCA follows DL as a 5th single it can get a big performance for perhaps either the Grammys or ACMs in the spring.



Well-known member
^ I think the rating will be higher actually, because it is the 50 anniversary. Sure they have big things planned for this year.


Active member
They are talking abt the CMA Fest, which FH comes right before the olympics!. The CMA's should be higher!!!

Well, I think the conversation is that it is BETTER to debut a tv performance of DL at the CMA Award Show rather than the CMA Fest, because the audience for the award show is larger. Plus, as Simon said, it is the 50th, so the audience might be even larger than usual. I honestly would hate to waste the tv debut of DL on the CMA Fest show. I don't think that many people watch that, although I could be wrong, and a recorded concert performance wouldn't be as good as a planned/produced award show performance, typically.

CCA will make for a great live performance with the harmonica playing and the McCrary sisters. I like whoever said maybe it could be a way to introduce the song to the public (that don't have the album and haven't seen the tour) and see the reaction so they could consider it for the 5th single.


Staff member
I would hope that we'd get some televised performance of DL before the CMAs.They're weeks away and DL will be 3/4 of the way through it's chart run by then.Won't help anything.


Active member
I feel like she has not done ellen in a while.

Elln always seems to have very specific celebrities over and over again. And then others not that much at all. and still others, never! Its weird to me that there are a hand full of celebrities that are on that show constantly!