Carrie Underwood Fans

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Good Girl On The Mediabase Charts (Blown Away Era)


Active member
Thanks in advance Cary!!
We need and love your hard work so much.
And am I allowed to apologize in advance for being argumentative, short, too objective, and entirely too Carrie-Biased?
(I'll try really hard to stay on track) Yeah right!
No really!


New member
:yes::yes:QUOTE=12russ79;4259959]YESSSSSSSSSS!!! Now it feels real..... THE FOURTH ALBUM ERA CAN OFFICIALLY BEGIN!!!!! YOU ARE THE MAN CARY!!!!!
Well with it registered we can expect to hear this great song anytime now!!!! I'm still saying tomorrow!!!! But if it's Thursday or Friday WHO CARES BECAUSE SOON IS ALMOST FINALY HERE!!!!!![/QUOTE]:yes::yes:

REQUEST and CAMPAIGN!!! SPREAD the WORDS to other sites!!! Let us all work SUPER HARD for Carrie!!! ANOTHER NUMBER ONE HIT SONG for Carrie at Country Radio Charts!!!:realdrunk:yahoo::yayconfet


Well-known member
YAY! I am so happy for the new era!

So the adds date is 2/28?

I am so happy this thread is open as it has been so weird not having an official thread to discuss GG or any songs for that matter. lol

I really hope the rumors of the Aerosmith duet are true too-- as then poor Cary will have to watch the Rock charts for the first time ever. lol


New member
Well it looks like I'm wrong and Cary's right(what a shocker eh?)
I thought for sure GG would go to radio today... It does prove however the DJ I play golf with knows about as much as we do.... LOL
Well I sure hope all the PD's and DJ's in attendance appreciate the significance of Carrie giving up a high debut just so they can hear the song first!!!! It's going to be very interesting to see how high GOOD GIRL can debut with just 2 days of AirPlay on MEDIABASE and 3 on Billboard..... Come on let's see some predictions here's mine.....


Active member
I agree with Russ. Carrie and label are playing very closely with radio on this, and I just hope that radio really shows their appreciation.
Absolutely no one has been able to get their hands on this song except radio and they hold all the cards.
This is very unusual these days. Artists who are more publicity driven will always release to internet, itunes, leaks, any number of things to create drama.
But Carrie and her team are showing a committed effort to this release. And I hope it pays off. I think it will.


New member
5 bucks says that does NOT happen. In two hours we'll be discussing how Carrie was just TOTALLY snubbed by this bug that was on the street. :p

Well, it took 20 hours :p And we are talking about Zombie Carrie :p But you were right, it didn't happen! lol


Well-known member
lol That is awesome! And it does look like a walker on Carrie's favorite show, Walking Dead. I love that show too now! So freakin' awesome!

I thought it would be another boring cheesy zombie show, but I was wrong. lol

Haha, zombie Carrie has risen and she's about to kick some a** with GG!!



Well-known member
Hey we are already off topic.....only 2 pages in. lol My bad! Zombies are fun to talk about though. lol


New member
I know it's off-topic, but I think it's the best place to ask this question lol

Norah Jones just announced she will be releasing her next album on May 1. Could Norah block Carrie from #1? I know she was massive back in 2002-2005, but right now I don't know...