Carrie Underwood Fans

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Good Girl On The Mediabase Charts (Blown Away Era)


Obsessed Chart Watcher
22 is good but carrie usually gets like 70-100 adds the first week so it still feels odd.

Remember that the weekly adds number is for adds over the last 7 days. BA appears to have gone to radio today. So It only has a few hours to pick up adds for this week. A really good first week number is around 40 to 50. You may see a higher number for a lead single from a top artist. Most stations don't add a song the day it is released to radio. Plus stations adjust their rotations on different days. There will certainly be more stations adding the song as the week goes on.


Well-known member
Wgna baby!! My station added it! :)

^ Tx cary! That makes sense.

Given this weeks album sales numbers these adds are a sight for sore eyes.


Obsessed Chart Watcher
Is the release date for "Blown Away" July 2nd or July 9th? :confused:

It looks like BA was release to radio today (i.e. it is available to radio through download from the MPE system), but the adds date (the date when the label wants radio stations to add the song to their rotation) is still July 9.


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New member
It will be interesting to learn how many times I hear Blown Away, and it which states this week. I will be traveling through many states this week, so I will be listening for this Epic song! :)