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Good Girl On The Mediabase Charts (Blown Away Era)


Obsessed Chart Watcher
On Hot AC, GG (-23 spins, -0.105 million AIs) moves up a spot to #24.

On AC, GG (-4 spins, -0.044 million AIs) remains at #38.

GG is definitely on the way down on both Hot AC and AC. So this will be the last update for GG on both of these formats. Once BA is released to radio and starts moving, I will open a new thread to track its progess. I expect that to happen this week as I don't think the label will wait until the adds date to actually release the song to radio. That would be very unusual for a single that is not a lead single for a new album.


New member
Well, for a song that didn't get an add date or promotions, it did fairly well on both Hot AC and AC. AC usually only play hits that everybody had heard which wasn't the case with "Good Girl" because it was pretty much limited in its previous audience.

But Cary, why will there be a need for a new thread for "Blown Away" the single? I thought we only have one Mediabase thread for each era?


Active member
I like one thread per released track. This one is 260 pages. I can imagine the BA (single) thread to be 200+ pages. If this album goes six deep, then one single thread would be 1500+ pages! That's too much to wade through to find something.


Active member
I agree that it should have done better.
But Carrie would have to agree to do her part first off. Promote the format! And she still seems hesitant to do that.
Also, as close as GG was to pop or rock, it was still decidedly country to any hears of the freinds that I have.
No one I know would call that pop or rock. They would have called it a country song. A great country song, YEs, but a country song none the less.
So we have to take the success it had with that in mind.
Carrie allows her country songs to bleed into other formats and thats great.
But she does not sell herself there, nore does she sell her product there. She just allows it to flow over.
So with that, and the fact that at those formats there are labels spending millions of dollars to get beiber/C.Brown/Rhianna/Swift/Perry/Mars/Usher/LMFAO/Gaga/Maroon/beyonce/.....................played, If Carrie is not willing to sell herself there, than she is going to be given a back seat.
IF she ever decided to sell a single at pop radio, it would be a very different story. Believe that. I still think Pop would love to have Carrie.
But she wwould have to produce them a song and then sell it there.
And that is an important step that she has not made.


Obsessed Chart Watcher
Well, for a song that didn't get an add date or promotions, it did fairly well on both Hot AC and AC. AC usually only play hits that everybody had heard which wasn't the case with "Good Girl" because it was pretty much limited in its previous audience.

But Cary, why will there be a need for a new thread for "Blown Away" the single? I thought we only have one Mediabase thread for each era?

Actually I had some discussions with James a couple of months back and apparently there are some memory management issues that can occur with very large threads. So there was a request to try to keep the threads smaller. Making a separate thread for each single will help with this.

However I do not want to have several different Mediabase threads active at one time. So the new thread with be primarily for BA on Mediabase. But if there is activity for other Carrie songs on Mediabase during BA's run, that can also be discussed in the new thread.


Active member
BA adds so far this morning. I will edit the post if other stations add it

WTQR Greensboro, NC
WSIX Nashville, TN
WSCY Wilmington, DE
WSSL Greenville, PA
KVOO Tulsa, OK
KXIX Fayatteville, AR
KSSN Little Rock, AR
WFUS Tampa, FL
KEEY Minneapolis, MN
KWOF Denver, CO
WXBM Pensacola, FL
WIL St.Louis, MO
KNTY Sacramento, CA
KCCY Colorado Springs, CO
KXLY Spokane, WA
WPOC Baltimore, MD
WGNA Albany, NY
WBCT Grand Rapids, MI
WQMX Akron, OH
WGNE Jacksonville, FL
KDRK Spokane, WA
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Well-known member
About time we see some movement. Still a very low number of adds for a new carrie song though so i am still confused. Lol


Active member
It usually won't show up until a day after it has been added by the radio. They had just added it this morning in regards to the mediabase adds board


Obsessed Chart Watcher
BA adds so far this morning. I will edit the post if other stations add it

WTQR Greensboro, NC
WSIX Nashville, TN
WSCY Wilmington, DE
WSSL Greenville, PA
KVOO Tulsa, OK
KXIX Fayatteville, AR
KSSN Little Rock, AR
WFUS Tampa, FL
KEEY Minneapolis, MN

This is a pretty good indication that BA was officially sent to radio today.


New member
Ok, this may be way off....( my apologies in advance)... but I just need to ask someone.. :)
Can you use a TD Cdebit card in joining the official fan club?


New member
BA adds so far this morning. I will edit the post if other stations add it

WTQR Greensboro, NC
WSIX Nashville, TN
WSCY Wilmington, DE
WSSL Greenville, PA
KVOO Tulsa, OK
KXIX Fayatteville, AR
KSSN Little Rock, AR
WFUS Tampa, FL
KEEY Minneapolis, MN
KWOF Denver, CO
WXBM Pensacola, FL
WIL St.Louis, MO
KNTY Sacramento, CA
KCCY Colorado Springs, CO
KXLY Spokane, WA

Thank you! This is great news. Hopefully, more stations will add BA soon, since this is a high travel week. This will give all those travelers who only listen to radio in the car, a chance to hear this epic song! Since, I am one of those people, I hope I hear BA on my 14-hour trip! :D


Active member
BA got 22 adds today and I wouldn't be surprised if even more add it tomorrow. Just got to have a little patience while we watch this song take off
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