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Good Girl On The Mediabase Charts (Blown Away Era)


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Teesharky--Kindly explain how the fact that the 'going for adds' date' for 'Blown Away' comes exactly two weeks after 'Good Girl' went recurrent constitutes a 'big gap'?

That's downright normal, and you know that as well as myself and the overwhelming majority on this board.

Also, singles by format megastars get sent to radio in December as well as the other eleven. months of the year (Carrie is no exception) , and that's been the case for years and years; the arrival of Thanksgiving and/or Christmas is no deterrent to a new single or a follow-up single by any megastar to any PD or MD.

I apologize if you feel offended, but reread your post immeiately above mine, and you'll see that your sentence 'So they waited an entire month to debut 'Blown Away' just isn't correct, since we all know that there was no chance whatsoever that 'Blown Away' would be sent to radio until 'Good Girl' was done.

Country stations aren't programmed like that as Lon Helton, Sean Ross and Phyllis Stark have all pointed out in their respective and indispensable newsletters, for better or for worse as opposed to top 40 radio, which has never had such a rule, at least since The Beatles ruled the charts.

I do agree with you in one regard; Alan Jackson's new CD 'Thirty Miles West' is the best country CD in several years, and an absolute masterpiece from start to finish.

Just give him the CMA award for 'Album Of The Year' this fall, and the Grammy Award for Album of the year on February 13th, or don't bother.


Active member
Lol very good point. :). I am just anxious for sales to pick up again and everyone thinks BA will do the trick so I hate to see this delay as sales keep falling.

Also the delay is sort of hurting the momentum/buzz that the new album had worked hard to build up with GG.

However-- i think the BA video is going to smash and create a whole new buzz for carrie and the cd. So once that video hits I expect and hope things will start heating up again for this album. No one has used a tornado in a music video before! Haha that alone will create buzz. :)

It doesn't matter except that i want carrie to be most played country female at the year end radio charts again this year- and keeping her off the radio a month could hurt her chances especially with GG not hitting radio till late february.

Well, I still say the same thing lol. So the buzz will be delayed a month. We wll know that buzz can come at any time and generate sales at the time it is created. Look at BHC on the SH album. There is always going to be lulls in buzz with every artist - not just Carrie. And where did all the worry from all of us actually get us, the label is still releasing the single when they want, lol. :) The worry does not change a thing is all.

I do however agree that the BA video appears to be epic and I can't wait to see it (well, I can wait until out, lol .........)


Well-known member
Marv sorry if my post wasn't clear on what I meant. My fault there. You are of course correct that the official Adds date for BA is normally one month away after the last song peaked.

However- what is not normal is I am used to radio jumping all over carries new songs LONG before the adds date. But Cary said the radio stations don't even have the official mpe yet so that explains it.

It is not that radio is not jumping on the song: they simply don't have it yet because the label has something special planned. That makes the most sense. They held back emailing the mpes for a specific reason.


Active member
^ I thought someone posted some info that they don't usually release right away or jump on it that much as of late - before the ads date? I could be wrong since I honestly don't track it myself and maybe I read their post wrong or was wrong period or such, etc? (I was just trying to go by any facts if there was any - that is how I work and what I like to see, lol :))

I still say where has all this worry gotten anyone? The label is not listening to us lol. It is still being released when they planned to. :) So I am kind of not going to worry about it further personally. :D


Active member
I do agree with you in one regard; Alan Jackson's new CD 'Thirty Miles West' is the best country CD in several years, and an absolute masterpiece from start to finish.

Just give him the CMA award for 'Album Of The Year' this fall, and the Grammy Award for Album of the year on February 13th, or don't bother.
Oh gosh I don't know how I feel about this. I really want Carrie to win those awards for Blown Away!!! Can we have two winners?????



Active member
It is just odd. Carries team has never delayed a second or third single this long before. Sometimes there is a gap over the holidays when xmas music plays but usually radio plays the new single rightaway.

Tee---Please stop with the fictitious info regarding the 'long gap', okay????? We all luv Carrie to pieces/smithereens/oodles and oodles, and so on, but let's be 100% honest, pretty please kind sir?

Let's go check the history books.

11-24-08---'Just A Dream' goes recurrent @ Country Aircheck/Mediabase.

12-23-08---Whitney Allen plays 'I Told You So', and introduced it as Carrie's new single; I started that thread on the Pulse board that evening.

1-5-09---Country Aircheck Music Edition confirms that 'I Told You So' will be going for adds on February 2nd.

---'I Told You So' debuts @ #42 on the Country Aircheck Music Edition chart.

2-2-09---'I Told You So' jumps from #24 to #21 on its 'going for adds date'.

Total number of days between 'Just A Dream' heading off to recurrentville and the announcement of the 'going for adds' date for 'I Told You So'----70.

Take a deep breath--everything's gonna be OK, okay????

Tsk Tsk! Unchecked snark WILL always come back to bite you in the arse :p

NC State Carrie Fan

Well-known member
GG peaked amonth ago during Cmt week not a week ago. Lol. So theywaited an entire month to debut BA. That is odd as they don't usually wait that long between singles.

But even todays update shows that some of the spin gains were from a syndicated show last week. The song is not even on thespin increase list anymore! That is rare for a new carrie song!

So something is up. They are holding it back for some reason.

It just started declining in sales this past week....and Cowboy Casanova was released in September and Temporary Home was released in February....5 months......they always take longer with the first single....and I want them too the Good Girl era has been great and I want to get as many sales as we can before they release Blown Away


New member
It just started declining in sales this past week....and Cowboy Casanova was released in September and Temporary Home was released in February....5 months......they always take longer with the first single....and I want them too the Good Girl era has been great and I want to get as many sales as we can before they release Blown Away

You post has made chills run down my spine....

So.... Many... Dramatic... Pauses...:p


New member
I do agree with you in one regard; Alan Jackson's new CD 'Thirty Miles West' is the best country CD in several years, and an absolute masterpiece from start to finish.

Just give him the CMA award for 'Album Of The Year' this fall, and the Grammy Award for Album of the year on February 13th, or don't bother.

With the way country music has been treating its older artists in the last few years, I doubt he'll even get nominated :(. I'll be disappointed if "Thirty Miles West" is left off the nominations for country album at all the eligible award shows. Although, I'm sure the industry will choose to nominate all newer artists instead.

Alan Jackson is incredible. He is still the same guy he was when he started, and he is still making wonderful music for people to enjoy. Country music is so lucky to claim him as one of their own. He is really setting a great example for the younger generation of male country artists, and I can only hope that at least a few of them are taking notes.


Well-known member

Please, help yourselves


Well-known member
With the way country music has been treating its older artists in the last few years, I doubt he'll even get nominated :(. I'll be disappointed if "Thirty Miles West" is left off the nominations for country album at all the eligible award shows. Although, I'm sure the industry will choose to nominate all newer artists instead.

Alan Jackson is incredible. He is still the same guy he was when he started, and he is still making wonderful music for people to enjoy. Country music is so lucky to claim him as one of their own. He is really setting a great example for the younger generation of male country artists, and I can only hope that at least a few of them are taking notes.

I want the younger generation of male country artists to start making music like AJ. They are all going by this formula of what should be in a song - beer, trucks and partying! In some respects I think Carrie is using AJ & Reba as examples of country music - to tell a story in a song. That is what makes AJ & Carrie so special to me - if you haven't lived what they are singing about, you know someone who has.