Carrie Underwood Fans

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I'm done


Well-known member
As others have said, the posts and news that you find are so helpful to us - we do greatly appreciate all your efforts.

I know this is a very difficult time for you - but, as Rainbow said, it may not be the best time to make decisions about whether you stay - you can be sure, meanwhile, that your friends here have you and your loved ones in our thoughts and prayers

(If it's any help, I do believe that Carrie and Mike care deeply about people and animals, and, from what they've said about their faith, I believe they do pray both for the people who support them, and for people who are undergoing trouble and suffering. They may not specifically mention this on Twitter, but that doesn't mean they don't do it.
In the relatively short time I've used Twitter, I have had a few tweets from singers - but these have always been from songwriters or independent artists, never from a chart star. Carrie has a million followers, and that implies a very crowded feed, which she can never read in full. Posts from people in her position are likely to be random, and are also likely to be light-hearted (as in the song titles game). This is likely to be a brief respite from a crowded day - and doesn't mean that she's not concerned with more serious matters too)


New member
I got tweeted and DM'd by Matt Sorum.

Sorry. Irrelevant. Carry on.


New member
He drummed for Guns N' Roses during one of their most popular periods. D:

But he receives a lot less tweets than Carrie. It's not even close.


Well-known member
At present, Carrie's Twitter feed is affected by a huge number of posts from people including her @ tag and saying how they voted for Peoples' Choice - I should think that makes it almost impossible to find individual tweets, unless they're from a poster she's expecting


New member
Remember, we have no control, over what others say or do. Only the way that we react to them.

So many have said such beautiful and heart felt words of caring, of encouragement and urging you to stay to enjoy and to continue to contribute to this wonderful Carrie Fan site. I especially like what rainbow said. Ditto to all the good comments, and I look forward to your interesting posts. You are so knowledgable about what is going on in Carrie Land. I think you are a super sleuth.


New member
Ann, I am so sorry about your kitty and everything that is going on with people on twitter.

I hope you know you are very special to many of us here (you know who we are) and we consider you a friend. Just know that we are here for you whenever you choose to reach out.


Well-known member
Been at jury duty all day today and am just now seeing this.....but Ann please stay. I always look forward to your posts. I send blessings your way and pray everything works out with your vet visit today and with your health personally. Please know you can PM me any time. I'm there for ya!


Active member
I to have been busy so I guess I missed something. I don't use twitter so I have no clue how that "universe" functions but I get the feeling it is a scary place.
People with kind hearts get that heart hurt most often when they feel they are doing good and serving.
We need more kind hearts. We need your heart here.
You have heard some wonderful testemony in your honor. That comes from Gods will wanting you to know that you do have the support of wonderful people around you.
IT's very easy to get hung up on one or two (or a dozen) negative things in a day full of blessings and well wishes.
I hope you take a moment to really read the posts in this thread and know that they come from caring people who wnat whats best for you.
We do appreciate you so.
And remember, when you stop working for the will of "good", the bad guys win.
You have a gentle heart. Carrie attracts people like that. We need people like that.
(and I am just catching news of your kitty. I am heartfully sorry for what your are going through. People who know how to love animals know how to love people).
We're all with you.


Active member
"Dramatic" -- really...I thought you were excellent on twitter - boy was I WRONG...

I am excellent. lol but, we need to have thicker skin like Carrie :) we can't let people bring us down and cry for attention. this post was extremely dramatic. all of the exclamation points... very unnecessary.


New member
Mtrea, I think Ann has been going through a lot this week, and that's what contributed to feeling like this. God knows I've said some some stupid and (extremely dramatic) things on here when I was in a bad mood.


New member
The girl is going through a very hard time right now and she put in alot of work on this site. I had some of the problems, not as bad though, as she is going through about five years ago and if you haven't gone through it you have no idea what it can and does do to your body and mind. I support Ann 1000%.


Active member
I am excellent. lol but, we need to have thicker skin like Carrie :) we can't let people bring us down and cry for attention. this post was extremely dramatic. all of the exclamation points... very unnecessary.
But thats just it my friend.
Not everyone is born with thick skin.
Some are, and they are strong and able and willing to take on much. And we honor and respect them for that.
But some are gentle and tender and teach us what it feels like to truly love. And we honor them to.
We each come to the table with what we've got.
Be cause you are strong, it allows her to be gentle.
And because she is gentle, it allows you to be Strong!


Active member
But thats just it my friend.
Not everyone is born with thick skin.
Some are, and they are strong and able and willing to take on much. And we honor and respect them for that.
But some are gentle and tender and teach us what it feels like to truly love. And we honor them to.
We each come to the table with what we've got.
Be cause you are strong, it allows her to be gentle.
And because she is gentle, it allows you to be Strong!

Love your post - never heard it put so beautifully - thank you as its so true!!!


New member
I'm here. My kitty has diabetes, among other things, and I go tomorrow to meet w/the doc to learn how to give her the insulin shots, etc.. The good news is her kidneys are doing pretty well -- still on RX renal food, but doing ok. My brand new laptop has defective hardware so I have to go get another one. It doesn't work at all. I don't feel too good, but I'll live. I'm trying to take care of myself and my kitty.

All I can say is I'm sorry for my rant. I try very hard to be positive and kind, but I just reached a breaking point. When I went out today to get the insulin, I went to my son's and got my old laptop back until I get my new one replaced (he already has the PC I gave him, so he isn't without a computer). The first place I came to was here at Carrie Fans! I have made many friends here and you are all so very important to me -- and I've missed you all so much!

Thank you all for the kind words -- you don't know what that means to me -- you guys make my heart happy -- so thank you so very much!!!


New member
Ann, so glad to hear from you. I have been praying for you and your kitten, and will continue to do so. Hope you and the kitten begin to feel better, we miss your post. May God wrap His loving arms around you and your family.


Well-known member
I'm here. My kitty has diabetes, among other things, and I go tomorrow to meet w/the doc to learn how to give her the insulin shots, etc.. The good news is her kidneys are doing pretty well -- still on RX renal food, but doing ok. My brand new laptop has defective hardware so I have to go get another one. It doesn't work at all. I don't feel too good, but I'll live. I'm trying to take care of myself and my kitty.

All I can say is I'm sorry for my rant. I try very hard to be positive and kind, but I just reached a breaking point. When I went out today to get the insulin, I went to my son's and got my old laptop back until I get my new one replaced (he already has the PC I gave him, so he isn't without a computer). The first place I came to was here at Carrie Fans! I have made many friends here and you are all so very important to me -- and I've missed you all so much!

Thank you all for the kind words -- you don't know what that means to me -- you guys make my heart happy -- so thank you so very much!!!

It's so good to see you again! I am also very very glad that your kitty is doing better. You & your kitty (and son) have been in my prayers so I am glad to see my prayers answered :)


Staff member
Ann, so happy to see things are doing a tad better for you and your beloved Tiger.Take care of yourself and Tiger too!

Here's a quote that expresses my feelings about what you have been going through....

“Spiteful words can hurt your feelings but silence breaks your heart.”

As a gentle reminder to us all......"If you haven't any charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart
trouble." ~Bob Hope