Carrie Underwood Fans

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I'm done


New member
I'm here. My kitty has diabetes, among other things, and I go tomorrow to meet w/the doc to learn how to give her the insulin shots, etc.. The good news is her kidneys are doing pretty well -- still on RX renal food, but doing ok. My brand new laptop has defective hardware so I have to go get another one. It doesn't work at all. I don't feel too good, but I'll live. I'm trying to take care of myself and my kitty.

All I can say is I'm sorry for my rant. I try very hard to be positive and kind, but I just reached a breaking point. When I went out today to get the insulin, I went to my son's and got my old laptop back until I get my new one replaced (he already has the PC I gave him, so he isn't without a computer). The first place I came to was here at Carrie Fans! I have made many friends here and you are all so very important to me -- and I've missed you all so much!

Thank you all for the kind words -- you don't know what that means to me -- you guys make my heart happy -- so thank you so very much!!!

I'm so happy things are a little better for you. You make our hearts happy too and remember when things get bad you always have us who will try to lighten your spirit and you will always be in my thoughts and prayers..


New member
Ann, very glad to see you here. Said a special prayer the other night for you and Tiger. God is good.


Well-known member
Ann, you are loved! Hope you know it! Hang in there and know that you are being lifted up in prayer. Big hugs to you...


Well-known member
So very glad to hear that things are settling down and kitty is getting treated properly. You know it seems to never fail with me that something happens to my dogs or my parrots on the WEEKEND when the veterinarian is not available! And then that just adds to the anxiety, which compounds the situation. Just remember to always keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart. God is so, so good and he never closes a door without opening a window first.


Active member
WOW Ann, you made my day. We've never met and yet I was so upset with you leaving and your kitty problems and its just awesome how connected you feel even so- just because of our connection with Carrie!!! I'm so glad you are back and hopefully no one is too proud to do the same!! We are a close knit group with lots of 1,000's of miles between a lot of us and I for one just find it awesome. Yes, God is good - all the time!


Active member
Ann, I haven't been on here, since this morning. What a wonderful find you, where you're supposed to be!! Here with us!! I'm so thankful that things are going better for you. I have been praying for you, and will continue to do so. A big WELCOME home, Ann!!!!!


Active member
Ann, I was so happy when I saw you were back and you have so many friends on this site and we all missed you; and you make our hearts happy too. So glad that your kitty is doing better.