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News On Backlash To BB Asinine Rule Changes


New member
Does anybody know David Wild well enough ‏to tweet him and ask his opinion. Would love to know it -- in Dream mode maybe an article for RS, the editors would spike it but an article on this in Rolling Stone would be interesting.

Now I need to go find a website that sells famous peoples' hair, blood and clothing need a bit of each of Werde's ...I have a doll to make:mad::mad:

Can you make one of Carrie?

Oh wait... We're not talking about the same kind of dolls, are we?


New member
Haven't you guys read the new Billboard article? Apparently they're calling everyone who opposes to the changes a blind pressed Carrie Underwood stan who's jealous of the succes of Godlor.


New member
The new chart is fine if they can focus on only country songs. Here is how you determine a country song. If a song is played on multiple genres then the % of play should determine the % of inclusion of downloads etc. If a song is played on pop and you are a on a country label then your downloads and all should be reduced on country to the % of your play on country. If only 5% of your play is on country then 5% of your downloads etc should only be added for this chart. The amount of play on the genre should be included in the chart also.I wonder how radio will look at this now that they have lost all power on this chart? Question: If a person is played on 5 genres of music then they are included in 5 different charts?


New member
Well, slowly but surely, tweets are going to start coming in. Steve Warren is a Country Radio programming consultant, developer of Music 1 from Texas:

steve warren

billboard lays a major egg with new chart methodology. nobody, but NOBODY is happy with the result.


New member
I just did a quick survey - CMT has a short news article. Roughstock & Country Universe have opinions. Saving Country Music just posted theirs - great forecast of what this will mean to Nashville Billboard Changes Country Chart Rules, Boosts “Crossover” Songs « Saving Country Music

But dead silence from Taste of Country, The Boot, Country Music is Love; NashvilleGab, Counrty Music Tattle Tail, GAC; Country Music Rocks; Keeping it Country

I'm hoping the silence is from shock... need to reread this, no way, Yikes!


New member
it is nice to know that out of all the weeks of requesting, radio polls, and surveys that i did the past couple of weeks so the Blown Away will be number 1 for BOTH mediabase AND billboard was for nothing.


New member
it is nice to know that out of all the weeks of requesting, radio polls, and surveys that i did the past couple of weeks so the Blown Away will be number 1 for BOTH mediabase AND billboard was for nothing.

Not for nothing. You did it because you love Carrie and any act that expresses love is never for nothing, even if the world stomps on it. I think everyone here is proud of the effort you put in. If Carrie knew she would feel blessed for fans like you. ... :cool::cool:


New member
And it continues. Billboard's Gary Trust just posted another response in their "Ask Billboard" column. Their logic is still flawed...

Ask Billboard: Chart Ch-ch-Changes - Chart Beat | Billboard

They miss the point of defining who is in what genre. BB thinks, for instance, that Taylor is a country star when she is not. She may be the download star and streaming star but she is not a country star anymore. It makes this new chart irrelevant. To take away the defining radio play to determint the genre for a song is poor design.


New member
I think we should start sending nice lunches to the BB execs, after all Proverbs 25:21-22 says:

21 If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat;
if he is thirsty, give him water to drink.
22 In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head,
and the Lord will reward you.



Well-known member
Lol good proverbs! God thinks of everything, always. :)

On pulse fans of other genres are soo pissed too! So they can attack carrie fans all they like. They know they are guilty so they attack us instead. So childish and unprofessional.


New member
Btw, according to the petition, I was able to add in Billboard email addresses. Whenever someone signs it, it is supposed to send an email :)


Active member
INteresting to read from the R&B people. Can you put these under Bill Werde's nose on Twitter somehow?


Staff member
Someone post the link to the petition for them to sign and spread to their friends and family.