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Nicole and Karly's Twitter War Settled

Who is clearly more handsome?

  • Total voters


Active member
Axl was running around onstage when the picture was taken. He was really sweaty. His hair is normally gorgeous.



Well, we're just settling between these two. Angie's on another level. Now, go vote for Axl.

hmm, maybe he just needs a trim...
and ... He might need better fitted pants (1st pic) because it seems... sort of tight. And are those pajama shorts he's wearing in the 2nd pic? The fishnets in the videos doesn't exactly give him an advantage either. It just doesn't compliment his ... figure. coughs* sort of gives him that jelly fishy (icky) vibe. His squirt-boxer-short doesn't do him any favors either.... not that I'm picking at him or anything like that... ;)


New member
hmm, maybe he just needs a trim...
and ... He might need better fitted pants (1st pic) because it seems... sort of tight. And are those pajama shorts he's wearing in the 2nd pic? The fishnets in the videos doesn't exactly give him an advantage either. It just doesn't compliment his ... figure. sort of gives him that jelly fishy (icky) vibe. His squirt-boxer-short doesn't do him any favors either.... not that I'm picking at him or anything like that... ;)

It was the '90s; nobody had a sense of fashion. He wore kilts and catcher's vests on stage.

There's not a thing you can complain about here:


New member
Rofl Nicole! I cannot believe u are having a twitter war about this.... hahaha!

Sorry Karly, Axl Rose hands down! Lol. #Imsobiased


New member
Love JD...he grew up down the road a piece from me -- however, I've been an Axl fan forever -- so my vote is for Axl!!!


New member
Although if we're now adding Angie Harmon, I change my vote completely. Sorry guys. Any female over the hottest of guys any day. And when the female is hot, well then it's a no brainer.


New member



I voted for Axl, clearly.

That's what I like to hear. You're distracting people with those hot Angie photos. -_-

No I'm not happy! 22.2 + 80 STILL equals 102.2. Didn't know you could get 102.2% of something. :p

Oh and in the time since I saw this last, we've picked up 2 votes. To none for JD. I smell comeback!

One person forgot to vote, and Jess's vote doesn't count, so we're 5-7. We could still win this!

Although if we're now adding Angie Harmon, I change my vote completely. Sorry guys. Any female over the hottest of guys any day. And when the female is hot, well then it's a no brainer.


I prefer Sasha Alexander to Angie, anyhow, even if Angie replied to my tweet (twice) and Sasha makes ugly babies.