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Weekly Album Sales - Blown Away Era, week 11


Active member
good---- I was right on the one week though. Carrie dropped 54% and Kenny dropped only 32% in week 3. Carrie had the Mother's day cushion in week 2.

Week 4, Carrie is doing better. But week 3, Kenny did significantly better. Did he have his cd on sale that week or something?

Nope, you're not right LOL :p. As I said in the previous post, the Mother's Day sales altered the dip rates for Carrie's week 2 and 3 sales. The holiday sales for week 2 made the dip rate seem low, but with the holiday out of the picture for week 3 it made the dip rate seemed unnaturally steep. I guess my point is we should not even be comparing the sales at this point.


Active member
agree 100%. That is why I hope for album 5, they go back to 4th quarter. They could release it Fall of 2014, and that would give Carrie 2.5 years to release it which is roughly the same amount of time between PO and BA.

As long as we get a fifth or even sixth single this time :)


Active member
Catalog albums

15. UNDERWOOD*CARRIE PLAY ON, 4311, +161%, 1653, 2122894
69. UNDERWOOD*CARRIE SOME HEARTS, 2223, -2%, 2275, 7218204
200. UNDERWOOD*CARRIE CARNIVAL RIDE, 1388, +13%, 1226, 3271526


Well-known member
Nope, you're not right LOL :p. As I said in the previous post, the Mother's Day sales altered the dip rates for Carrie's week 2 and 3 sales. The holiday sales for week 2 made the dip rate seem low, but with the holiday out of the picture for week 3 it made the dip rate seemed unnaturally steep. I guess my point is we should not even be comparing the sales at this point.

on paper, I was right about Week 3. :) Kenny's third week dip was signficantly softer then Carrie's. That is the truth. I get that the mother's day thing helped make Carrie's drop bigger, but that doesn't make me wrong about what I said. There are reasons behind the dip, but the numbers don't lie.

It just felt like Carrie's percentage drops were pretty big for it is nice to see her level off the last two weeks.

Hopefully we will finally see a small increase once the video comes out. I just hate summer sales in general.

Everyone is sluggish though--- so it cannot be said that Carrie is the only one suffering from the summer shutdown.
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Active member
on paper, I was right about Week 3. :) Kenny's third week dip was signficantly softer then Carrie's. That is the truth. I get that the mother's day thing helped make Carrie's drop bigger, but that doesn't make me wrong about what I said. There are reasons behind the dip, but the numbers don't lie.

It just felt like Carrie's percentage drops were pretty big for it is nice to see her level off the last two weeks.

Hopefully we will finally see a small increase once the video comes out. I just hate summer sales in general.

Everyone is sluggish though--- so it cannot be said that Carrie is the only one suffering from the summer shutdown.

I think what she is saying is the dip between 2 and 3 is kind of a misleading dip though. I think she is saying that wk 2 was higher then it should have been because of Mother's Day and thus made it look significant between 2 and 3 when normally it would have been more even if there had not been a holiday. I can see where she is coming from so in a way she is probably right - on her point she was trying to make. Yes, on paper you could say you are right also but I think she is just saying you have to look at why.


New member
I am a little worried not that people won't look for it in the box stores but that it won't be stocked. Itunes and Amazon will be the only souce for the music. I went to FRYE, a store with a very large selection of music on cd, and they did not have Blown Away in stock. It is good that they don't have any (it is selling) but it is also bad that they don't have any (or I would have bought another copy). The othe cds of Carrie were there.


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look like BA sells are going to continue dropping...D:

I would like to give an early congrads to SWSRN for her third cma eoty nomination/ VERY possible win in 2013 because her album is being released in the fall/winter of 2012 meaing that chances are she'll be on tour in 2013. Making it to where CU concerts sells are a joke compare to SWSRN I mean think about it CU concert sells fall somewhere between 10k-20k per concert on a good day; SWSRN sell 50k per concert and it gets sold out in less than a week. if you had to pick between a person who sold out concerts that holds 50k people in less than a week, or a person who barely sold out a concert that holds 10k-20k per arena; you would probably pick the person that sold 50k per concert.


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Last week first update at 54.02 8,417
This week first upadte at 54.98 7,913

look like BA sells are going to continue dropping...D:

I would like to give an early congrads to SWSRN for her third cma eoty nomination/ VERY possible win in 2013 because her album is being released in the fall/winter of 2012 meaing that chances are she'll be on tour in 2013. Making it to where CU concerts sells are a joke compare to SWSRN I mean think about it CU concert sells fall somewhere between 10k-20k per concert on a good day; SWSRN sell 50k per concert and it gets sold out in less than a week. if you had to pick between a person who sold out concerts that holds 50k people in less than a week, or a person who barely sold out a concert that holds 10k-20k per arena; you would probably pick the person that sold 50k per concert.

You can not go by % of reported on how much someone is going to sell. That is why Monday updates are almost useless


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look like BA sells are going to continue dropping...D:

I would like to give an early congrads to SWSRN for her third cma eoty nomination/ VERY possible win in 2013 because her album is being released in the fall/winter of 2012 meaing that chances are she'll be on tour in 2013. Making it to where CU concerts sells are a joke compare to SWSRN I mean think about it CU concert sells fall somewhere between 10k-20k per concert on a good day; SWSRN sell 50k per concert and it gets sold out in less than a week. if you had to pick between a person who sold out concerts that holds 50k people in less than a week, or a person who barely sold out a concert that holds 10k-20k per arena; you would probably pick the person that sold 50k per concert.

Ummm, I guess you totally missed last year when Miranda was nominated for EOTY over Carrie.

Since Carrie isn't touring till the fall, I don't think any of us expect she will be nominated this year for CMA's EOTY.


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look like BA sells are going to continue dropping...D:

I would like to give an early congrads to SWSRN for her third cma eoty nomination/ VERY possible win in 2013 because her album is being released in the fall/winter of 2012 meaing that chances are she'll be on tour in 2013. Making it to where CU concerts sells are a joke compare to SWSRN I mean think about it CU concert sells fall somewhere between 10k-20k per concert on a good day; SWSRN sell 50k per concert and it gets sold out in less than a week. if you had to pick between a person who sold out concerts that holds 50k people in less than a week, or a person who barely sold out a concert that holds 10k-20k per arena; you would probably pick the person that sold 50k per concert.

And is there a point somewhere in that statement (I mean other then to just inform us that Carrie is a joke)? Or did you just mean to post it at a SWSRN forum? Confused??!! :confused:


Well-known member
Good point. Miranda was selling to 2k arenas and was an opening act half the year when she was nominated for EOTY. It was so wrong on so many levels.

Ummm, I guess you totally missed last year when Miranda was nominated for EOTY over Carrie.

Since Carrie isn't touring till the fall, I don't think any of us expect she will be nominated this year for CMA's EOTY.


New member
^^Carrie does fine with her concerts - Yes, I would rather go to a concert of 7- 10,000(great size) than a stadium concert - I really don't like stadium concerts at all . Actually Carrie does more concerts and plays more venues and gets closer in location to more fans with the 7-10,000 concerts- when you have a singer like Carrie who can actually sing I think the more intimate the setting the better As it turns out Carrie has as many fans attend her concerts as Taylor - Carrie does more concerts and played to over 1 million fans last tour and within the same timeframe Taylpr with her big venues played to the same amount of fans as Carrie, Taylor just brags alot that's why you hear about hers more

Album sales numbers are good too!


New member
^^Carrie does fine with her concerts - Yes, I would rather go to a concert of 7- 10,000(great size) than a stadium concert - I really don't like stadium concerts at all . Actually Carrie does more concerts and plays more venues and gets closer in location to more fans with the 7-10,000 concerts- when you have a singer like Carrie who can actually sing I think the more intimate the setting the better As it turns out Carrie has as many fans attend her concerts as Taylor - Carrie does more concerts and played to over 1 million fans last tour and within the same timeframe Taylpr with her big venues played to the same amount of fans as Carrie, Taylor just brags alot that's why you hear about hers more

Album sales numbers are good too!

This a million times. It's no coincidence that I consider my favorite concert the Guns N' Roses concert which held 4k people and my least favorite concert the second Iron Maiden concert which held 28k people.


Active member
And is there a point somewhere in that statement (I mean other then to just inform us that Carrie is a joke)? Or did you just mean to post it at a SWSRN forum? Confused??!! :confused:

Thanks! I also was wondering whose fan club I was reading on! WOW!
I love Carrie's concerts - I really don't care what SWSRN is doing - Carrie can sing and going to her concerts only proves it. I'm still shaking my head! Sorry!


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Last week first update at 54.02 8,417
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look like BA sells are going to continue dropping...D:

I would like to give an early congrads to SWSRN for her third cma eoty nomination/ VERY possible win in 2013 because her album is being released in the fall/winter of 2012 meaing that chances are she'll be on tour in 2013. Making it to where CU concerts sells are a joke compare to SWSRN I mean think about it CU concert sells fall somewhere between 10k-20k per concert on a good day; SWSRN sell 50k per concert and it gets sold out in less than a week. if you had to pick between a person who sold out concerts that holds 50k people in less than a week, or a person who barely sold out a concert that holds 10k-20k per arena; you would probably pick the person that sold 50k per concert.

Your post is really funny; I would rather go to a concert where the artist can actually sing (that’s what I’m paying for) and not to hear all kids screaming and not even able to hear the artist. One thing I know Carrie does not need all the gimmicks that Taylor needs to make her concert special. So to answer your question – it is Carrie all the way.

For albums sales -- I guess you do not realize that Pop always sells more than Country albums. Where I live (New Jersey) Taylor is known for pop not country.
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