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Weekly Album Sales, Blown Away, Week 15


Well-known member
Hi, everybody!

I check the Wikipedia site faithfully every week regarding AI alum album and single sales. This week, the single sales were updated but the album sales weren't. They still have last week's total of 673,000 and it is really bugging me. :) Can somebody who knows how to edit Wikipedia and site your source please update the following link to preserve my sanity? Thanks in advance!

American Idol alumni album sales - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think my original comment got lost in the shuffle! :) Can anybody help with this request?


New member
^^Adele's sales are amazing. I wonder what the sales ratio is between digital and physical CD. I've noticed that the physical CDs are all over, are fairly well-stocked and still under the "New Music" end-caps in stores around here.

Also noticed that they are stocking and displaying Blown Away much better now! Hopefully it continues through the holiday season!


New member
^^Adele's sales are amazing. I wonder what the sales ratio is between digital and physical CD. I've noticed that the physical CDs are all over, are fairly well-stocked and still under the "New Music" end-caps in stores around here.

Also noticed that they are stocking and displaying Blown Away much better now! Hopefully it continues through the holiday season!

Yeah, that's my biggest concern. I noticed that the CR and PO albums were quite a bit understocked most of the time, and I really don't want that to happen with BA. You can't sell what isn't there for people to buy. Especially during the holiday season when people tend to impulse-buy more often, it's important to have lots of stock out on the shelves so more people can take notice.


New member
Yeah, that's my biggest concern. I noticed that the CR and PO albums were quite a bit understocked most of the time, and I really don't want that to happen with BA. You can't sell what isn't there for people to buy. Especially during the holiday season when people tend to impulse-buy more often, it's important to have lots of stock out on the shelves so more people can take notice.

AMEN! Inventory of physical CDs seem to have been a problem for CR and the PO eras. I hope that BA doesn't encounter the same fate. So far, in our area, the BA inventory (as well as SH, CR and PO) has been pretty good lately. The exception was for BA's rollout; there was very little inventory. Like they didn't know that BA was a major new release by a mega superstar. :rolleyes: I think they have since caught on! :p


New member
^^Adele's sales are amazing. I wonder what the sales ratio is between digital and physical CD. I've noticed that the physical CDs are all over, are fairly well-stocked and still under the "New Music" end-caps in stores around here.

Also noticed that they are stocking and displaying Blown Away much better now! Hopefully it continues through the holiday season!

I am so glad to hear that they are stocking well. It's key to sales.