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Weekly Album Sales, Blown Away, Week 24


Well-known member
I don't want 2BC right before Christmas. Too dark to murder someone right before the holidays. lol

Save 2BC for later in the album cycle. Close the album with a bang.

They need to go lighter next. Either DYTAM, Cupid, or even WAW would be nice in the Fall.

But WAW is not going to be a single, sadly-- since she does not perform it on tour. We have to accept that.


New member
The label is definitely going to release One Way Ticket next summer. I am sure that will be single 4 or 5. Two Black Cadillacs can be single 5 or even 6 in the Fall of 2013.

They have to go 5 singles this time. Otherwise the album will be over by Summer 2013--- only 1 year after it was released. What will Carrie do then when she won't have time to write album 5 until after the tour is over-- and I am guessing the tour won't be over till Summer 2013. So she will need another single for Fall 2013 to close out the album.

Then- she can take Fall 2013- Fall 2014 to write Album 5, and rlease it Late Fall 2014.

With singles this strong-- they would be Bat S**t crazy to only release 4 singles. I think they need to release 6 singles to be honest, so that Cupid and 2BC will be singles at some point.

OWT is meant for next summer. They would be crazy not to release it then.

Please, no One Way Ticket. I don't know if some people's feelings towards UI are the same as mine towards OWT, but please, she better not release OWT. There's way better songs waiting to get released. I used to be a big fan of Cupid as a single, but I don't think that way anymore. If they are going to 5 singles, they have to be DYTAM, WAW and TBC. If, in any case, there is a 6th single, it has to be LLA. CGAS would be my 7th single choice, but we don't even know if a 5th is going to happen. lol


New member
^^ Hope you guys are right, I hope they go deep into this album.

They would be stupid not to milk this. This album has so much potential. I forgive them for not releasing SWISLY nor WCIS, but making another mistake is unbearable. I have already accepted they won't release WAW, but it's still an album track, so it has a chance.


New member
They would be stupid not to milk this. This album has so much potential. I forgive them for not releasing SWISLY nor WCIS, but making another mistake is unbearable. I have already accepted they won't release WAW, but it's still an album track, so it has a chance.

It depends on how much a number one means to the label. It's highly unlikely they could push 6 singles from the same album to the top of the charts plus the Aerosmith duet.


New member
^ I feel the same way about OWT. If you want a light song release CGS. All I can say for sure is TBC has to be a single it's just too good not to be and Carrie is pulling for it. I can take or leave DYTAM, but I don't want it before TBC. When asked about shooting the next video she was pretty coy on when that has or will be done. I'm going to start a pool thread on this.


New member
why does nooooooooooooooooo one like the idea of GIG reeased as a single!! :'( i think it has more radio appeal than WAW imo


New member
It depends on how much a number one means to the label. It's highly unlikely they could push 6 singles from the same album to the top of the charts plus the Aerosmith duet.

I also think they won't go for 6 singles this era. I will be totally fine with 5, as long as two of them are DYTAM and TBC. CSYL is pretty much up to Columbia, they don't have to wait for Carrie. I do think it would be overkill though.


New member
I love GiG too. It would make a good single - hell almost every song on the album would. Which shows how much Carrie and her team put into it. My biggest problem with GiG is it is very derivative of Garth's Unanswered Prayers That may be a good thing, but it also gives the critics another arrow to shoot at Carrie.


Well-known member
Please, no One Way Ticket. I don't know if some people's feelings towards UI are the same as mine towards OWT, but please, she better not release OWT. There's way better songs waiting to get released. I used to be a big fan of Cupid as a single, but I don't think that way anymore. If they are going to 5 singles, they have to be DYTAM, WAW and TBC. If, in any case, there is a 6th single, it has to be LLA. CGAS would be my 7th single choice, but we don't even know if a 5th is going to happen. lol

Well I get that some don't like OWT, but many people love it and it is a sure fire summer hit.

She has never released a Summer song before, and I think it would be a smash on country radio. It may even cross over.

AS much as I adore WAW and want it as a single-- the fact that it is not performed in concert is a big hint that it won't be a single.Same with GIG and SYA.

So that leaves these choices: 2BC

That is it. Those 4 songs will be the next single possibilities, as all 4 are played on tour and have been featured alot in album promo.


Well-known member
I love GiG too. It would make a good single - hell almost every song on the album would. Which shows how much Carrie and her team put into it. My biggest problem with GiG is it is very derivative of Garth's Unanswered Prayers That may be a good thing, but it also gives the critics another arrow to shoot at Carrie.

Agree. I love GIG-- but it is not being played on tour and I have never heard it live....though someone said she did it live once?

We have to remember that the songs NOT played on tour are unlikely to be singles.


New member
I don't want 2BC right before Christmas. Too dark to murder someone right before the holidays. lol

Save 2BC for later in the album cycle. Close the album with a bang.

They need to go lighter next. Either DYTAM, Cupid, or even WAW would be nice in the Fall.

But WAW is not going to be a single, sadly-- since she does not perform it on tour. We have to accept that.

Dark? Holidays... You're talking to a guy that thinks Die Hard is the best Christmas movie ever. ;)


New member
Not a big fan of GIG. Nice song, but I don't think it measures up to some other songs. For me, it's actully meh.


New member
Well I get that some don't like OWT, but many people love it and it is a sure fire summer hit.

She has never released a Summer song before, and I think it would be a smash on country radio. It may even cross over.

AS much as I adore WAW and want it as a single-- the fact that it is not performed in concert is a big hint that it won't be a single.Same with GIG and SYA.

So that leaves these choices: 2BC

That is it. Those 4 songs will be the next single possibilities, as all 4 are played on tour and have been featured alot in album promo.

No LLA? :(


Well-known member
why does nooooooooooooooooo one like the idea of GIG reeased as a single!! :'( i think it has more radio appeal than WAW imo

It is not played on tour or ever-- so it is unlikely to ever be a single. I love the song AND WAW, but neither are featured on tour so I have given up on them as singles.

See-- I am just trying to pick the singles based off what she is focusing on tour, as she usually only releases songs that she performs on tour.

Exception was ITYS, which she added to the PO tour later, when it was decided to be a single.

But usually, there is a co-relation between songs sung on tour, and songs that are singles.


Well-known member

I forgot all about LLA. ha ha Sorry!

I love the song! I would be ok if it is a single, but it seems very few people want it to be a single.

I am fine if that is a single though. It is not my first choice-- but it would work. Cupid is a better choice in my opinion though.


Well-known member
Dark? Holidays... You're talking to a guy that thinks Die Hard is the best Christmas movie ever. ;)

ha ha true. I just watched Die Hard 1 and 2 recently as I hadn't seen them in awhile, and both were oddly Christmas movies! lol

Les Miserables is coming out on Christmas I guess some people just like misery for Christmas. lol


New member
I forgot all about LLA. ha ha Sorry!

I love the song! I would be ok if it is a single, but it seems very few people want it to be a single.

I am fine if that is a single though. It is not my first choice-- but it would work. Cupid is a better choice in my opinion though.

I think for some people other songs completely overshadow LLA, when it's actually a very good song. It would smash on country radio. Carrie set the bar so high with some songs that when some tracks would be treated like masterpieces if recorded by other artists, they are just good when recorded by Carrie. :p /delusionalmodeoff


New member
It is not played on tour or ever-- so it is unlikely to ever be a single. I love the song AND WAW, but neither are featured on tour so I have given up on them as singles.

See-- I am just trying to pick the singles based off what she is focusing on tour, as she usually only releases songs that she performs on tour.

Exception was ITYS, which she added to the PO tour later, when it was decided to be a single.

But usually, there is a co-relation between songs sung on tour, and songs that are singles.

ITYS was in the set list at the beginning of the PO tour but someone said it wasn't performed in every show just some.