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Weekly Album Sales - "Blown Away": Week 30 (Black Friday)


Active member
WOW, I was hoping for 30,000 at 100%; to see 58,645 at 54% is amazing and cannot wait to see the total for 100%.


New member
Holy sh!t. I knew there was going to be a bump but honestly was not expecting 50k+ I was thinking more around 30k tops.
It looks like a lot of these albums have already met their predictions so I wonder if the last update will be a bit smaller.


Active member
That update includes Best Buy due to the Britney Spears and Destiny Child Playlist showing up as they were on sale for $1.99 and they were physical copies


New member
The second update will be much smaller for sure so don't get your hopes up too high. (But please, at least enough so she can scan 1 Million this week.:))

But Wow, like most of you I was hoping for 30K, never expecting that she'd sell so much more.

Thank you Walmart!!! :)


Active member
I have a question---Were albums that were released last week on sale for Black Friday?Thanks!

I think Kelly's Greatest Hits was on sale for $5 last week, which was its debut week. P!nk, in its 2nd or 3rd week (?), was also on sale for $5.

BA sales numbers are quite amazing considering that the bulk of the sales were from 1-2 days during this past week. BA definitely crossed 1 million in sales. :)

NC State Carrie Fan

Well-known member
EVERYONE! Just calm your tits! Hahahaha wow....I can't believe that! 58k! But yeah the 2nd update will be MUCH smaller...that was probably the physical album sales the second half will be digital so it'll be smaller but please Lord let her get at least 7 thousand more! And I really really hope Phillip Phillips steals that #1 from Rihanna


New member
I think Kelly's Greatest Hits was on sale for $5 last week, which was its debut week. P!nk, in its 2nd or 3rd week (?), was also on sale for $5.

BA sales numbers are quite amazing considering that the bulk of the sales were from 1-2 days during this past week. BA definitely crossed 1 million in sales. :)

I actually think so too but you know how HITS likes to mess with us Carriefans. lol.


New member
Amazing sales boost for BA this week! Wow! Carrie's team knew just the right time to put it on sale lol. I knew Black Friday would be good for Carrie's salese (especially with the reduced price on the album), but this is even better than I imagined.

Nice sales for Phillip Phillips with his debut album as well.