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Weekly Album Sales - "Blown Away": Week 30 (Black Friday)


New member
Woot! Woot! Congrats Carrie for officially crossing the million mark in sales. I'm so happy people are buying this album. Truly the greatest album she has made in her career...So far. :)


Well-known member
Absolutely amazing! The album has been out for over 6 months now - it still rakes in over 70,000 with 300+% increase. This is incredible. So happy for our Carrie!


Well-known member
So awesome! And only 993,000 away from 2 million! lol

Feels good that Carrie is in the 1 million club before the end of the chart year!


Well-known member
Seeing this huge number, I wonder how sales will sustain through the rest of the season? I didn't at all expect this huge of a number this week, but without the sale price sales certainly won't stay that high...

I say, by the end of Christmas time, "Blown Away" will be at about 1.2 million, I think she can do 200,000 in the next five weeks...


Active member
Awesome #s! They need to put it on sale the week before Christmas and maybe have a $7.99 deal on itunes the week after.