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Weekly Album Sales - "Blown Away": Week 31 (Alicia Keys #1)


New member
I was at Walmart - they had 10 copies of BA, 1 copy of SH, 2 copies of PO.

A different Target than I was at the other day -- had ZERO copies of BA, on 2 copies CR, 2 copies PO.

Hoping the BA inventory is restocked soon!


New member
I would of have put I'm but I am trying to get out of the habit of using contractions, and not to mention contractions are not allow college papers at least not for English 1101 and 1102.

Or maybe you should consider re-taking the courses.


New member
Or maybe you should consider re-taking the courses.

how is re-taking the courses going to help if i took it two years ago, next year either way on the requirement for the papers is going to be where one of them is going to be do not use contractions, and besides you can only re-take college courses if you gotten a D or F in the class. I know that I am terrible when it comes to English, but I am not that terrible. I passed, but thanks for implying that I am stupid, I really appreciate, NOT. seriously how is making a comment saying my English professor does not allow us to use contractions implied that I failed the course. It just meant that instead of using don't, wasn't isn't etc.etc we had to write do not, was not, is not instead.


New member
how is re-taking the courses going to help if i took it two years ago, next year either way on the requirement for the papers is going to be where one of them is going to be do not use contractions, and besides you can only re-take college courses if you gotten a D or F in the class. I know that I am terrible when it comes to English, but I am not that terrible. I passed, but thanks for implying that I am stupid, I really appreciate, NOT. seriously how is making a comment saying my English professor does not allow us to use contractions implied that I failed the course. It just meant that instead of using don't, wasn't isn't etc.etc we had to write do not, was not, is not instead.

The problem with your English does not only lie with your proficiency, but also with other stuff such as cohesion, coherent, appropriacy and sensitivity to contexts. It's obviously not just a writing problem, it's a general problem. And you have problems with your logic as well - I may or may not think you are stupid, but level of proficiency in a given language is irrelevant to whether someone is intelligent.

Considering this is a forum and all, casual styles of English are expected, and since not everybody's first language is English, proficiency or grammatical accuracy certainly isn't a major concern either. Nevertheless, it just strikes me as odd for you to weirdly imposing an academic style of writing. This is the Internet and is a free one so you write what you want, but to hover over minor linguistic choices such as the use of contractions over bigger and more obvious grammatical issues is strange and tbh, hilarious.


New member
Alicia Keys' "Girl On Fire" officially opened with 159k copies, a smaller sum than her live album's debut tally.

Alicia Keys Earns Fifth No. 1 Album on Billboard 200 Chart | Billboard

A fifth #1 and sixth Top 2 anyhow, which puts her again right after Britney Spears ("...Baby One More Time", #1; "Oops!...I Did It Again", #1; "Britney", #1; "In The Zone", #1; "Blackout", #2; "Circus", #1; "Femme Fatale", #1) and ties Miley Cyrus ("Hannah Montana", #1; "Hannah Montana 2"/"Meet Miley Cyrus", #1; "Breakout", #1; "Hannah Montana: The Movie", #1; "Hannah Montana 3", #2; "The Time of Our Lives", #2 - Cyrus has two other Top 3 albums: "Best of Both Worlds" & "Can't Be Tamed") for the best album chart performance for a female artist since debut. Beyonce is the only one who's challenging the record at the moment: "Dangerously In Love", #1; "B'Day", #1; "I Am...Sasha Fierce", #1; "4", #1. And she'll have the Superbowl to help her next album next year.

No mention of Carrie in the article, but it did say everybody dropped in sales (well almost everybody anyway).