Carrie Underwood Fans

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Big Brother 13 (2011)


New member
Have yall heard the rumors about them bringing back somebody who has been voted off? Dom, Cassi, Keith, and whoever gets voted off this week will be sequestered, which means they can't talk to the public...which makes me think one of them will be coming back.


New member

Heads up...Brendon is going against what the house thought he would so and is saying he is taking himself off the block instead of rachel. Daniele is leaning to put up Jordan as a pawn (shes volunteered) to ensure Rachel goes home, her other option to put up is Porsche.


New member
Brendon took Rachel off. shock shock haha and Jordan was put up instead. unless something fishy happens Brendon should be a lock to go home


New member
Brendan's an idiot. Oh well, at least each of them are slightly less annoying without their other half. Rachel better not win HOH next week.


Active member
jordan and lawon were talking about country music and jordan was talking about carrie.. she said she never gets chills when someone sings but when carrie sang HGTA on girls night out she had chills.. she couldn't remember the name of the song but i know that's the one she was talking about because she said everyone was standing up before the song was over.. she was watching at home and was blown away and said carrie is amazing.. i love how much jordan loves carrie.. makes me love jordan even more :)


New member
awe jordan =)

ugh i wish he would have saved himself and not her. Cause while i cant stand her...shes a force in the HoH comps.....he isnt. So id rather him go home after her. But at least we're getting one out..


New member
jordan and lawon were talking about country music and jordan was talking about carrie.. she said she never gets chills when someone sings but when carrie sang HGTA on girls night out she had chills.. she couldn't remember the name of the song but i know that's the one she was talking about because she said everyone was standing up before the song was over.. she was watching at home and was blown away and said carrie is amazing.. i love how much jordan loves carrie.. makes me love jordan even more :)

Love that! Thanks for sharing. I think it's hilarious that everyone that tweeted you about that thought you meant Jordin Sparks at first. :p


New member
I think it's so cool that Jordan loves Carrie. I actually saw Jeff & Jordan at a Carrie concert! Jordan reminds me of Miranda Lambert a lot.


New member
Ok everyone UPDATES:

Kalia put up Jeff and Rachel.....JEFF WON THE VETO!!!:) One of the evicted houstguests will be returning to compete with the next evicted houseguest (probably going to be Rachel) to get back into the game! It's America's vote so please, please vote! You can vote online or text in your vote. Voting ends Aug 10! Please please vote for Cassi!! I'd love to see her beat Rachel then get back in the game!!:)


New member
also, looks like Kalia is leaning towards putting Adam up as the replacement nom.

Im worried about Rachel going against Americas vote....she is a beast in comps.....ugh


New member
Lawon was put up as the replacement....theyre planning on voting him out so that he can compete to come back in the house....this is the STUPIDEST idea ive ever heard....
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New member
I was so happy for Dani this week, she was in a great position with Kalia as HOH... but yikes what's happened?! And I was really hoping Dom would be voted back in the house. But it's not looking good with Lawon on the block (WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?!) and I'm worried Dom won't get enough votes. Sure Lawon is pretty useless, but at least he's a vote for them. Dani's also talking like she doesn't need HOH this week and wants it the following week for her bday (not too smart!!) I really hope she turns her game around. Rachel has gotta go, and I'm over Shelly and all her sneakiness.


New member
Sorry, but this is hilariously entertaining. I don't really have one particular favourite this year (I seem to be going back and forth between loving and being annoyed by certain people), so I don't really care if this is rigged or who wins. I just want entertainment, and this is definitely going to provide that.

Also, Lawon? STUPIDEST move in BB history, without a doubt. And there's been some stupid moves in the past, but this one takes the cake. WTF was he thinking?! LMAO.


New member
^ when the lawon plan came up as you can see a few posts up i said it was the stupidest move ive heard.....ridiculous....


New member
Well, he really thought he would just be let back in, he wouldn't have to work for it? The second they announced Brendon as America's Choice, I knew Lawon had no shot. In fact, I don't think he would have had much of a shot against any of the 4.


Active member
This is worse group of players I have seen. I can't believe how the newbies have just given the game over to the vets. Dani will be backdoor next unless she wins the HOH which is in progress now.


New member
Dani really screwed herself in this game. She turned on the vets way too early, and I get why she did, but it was a stupid move and will probably end up costing her the game.