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Big Brother 13 (2011)


New member
^ I think for that reason alone, she will not win again. Whoever she's up against will likely win, if Jordan is in the final 2. I don't think the jury will let her win twice by floating through both of her seasons.


New member
I'm hoping that Shelley can pull off the biggest move of the game by convincing Adam and keep Dani. But Dani's got to help her out.


New member
Shelly just tried to convince Rachel to go against Jeff/Jordan. Lol. Way to ensure you'll be walking out that door asap, Shelly.


New member so conflicted. What do you do when your favorite player backdoors your other favorite player......LOL idk how to root for Jeff now cause hes the reason Dani will be leaving tmw night


New member
Well, Dani backdoored Brendon last week. I know Brendon was not a lot of people's fave (was he anyone's fave, actually? lol), but still.

Dani could've made some deals with Adam and Shelly to stay this week. All she needs is 3 votes to stay, which *could* come from Porsche, Adam and Shelly, but I don't know if she's even been trying to get Adam on her side.


New member
Ive been reading that she has been trying to stay away from the drama with adam to win over his vote so that counts for something LOL


New member
I still think it's very possible that she could stay this week, or else there'll be some kind of twist to help keep her. haha. I think she's one of the producers' faves, plus she brings the drama. Without her, the house will probably get pretty boring.


New member
Adam pisses me off so bad. hes the biggest floater in the game. ugh....

YES KALHIA WON HOH oh this just got double eviction nights

omg as mad as i am at jeff for backdooring dani i cant have BOTH my favorites go home in the same freaking episode


Active member
Hopefully Shelly doesn't flip again till at least before Rachel is gotten out. I think they had to get out Jeff to break up the pair. I would have love to seen Dani and Jeff at the end but I guess I will see them in the Jury box. Dani is going to love seeing Jeff walk in the house.


New member
Um, yeah. So I guess I have to root for Rachel now? Seriously, not a single other person in that house deserves to win. Both of my favourites went to jury tonight. This SUCKS.


New member
It looks like Kalia, Porsche, and Shelly


Jordan, Rachel, and Adam.

Shelly appears to be eaten up with guilt for her betrayal. :(


New member
She's the only one who's done enough in this game to deserve to win, IMO. I hate when floaters win. Porsche/Shelly/Adam have not won anything. At all. Kalia has done a bit, so I'd be sort of okay with her being in final 2, but I still think Rachel has had it much harder in this game and deserves the win now that Jeff and Dani are gone. I love Jordan, but she also has not really done anything this season so I don't want her to win, but I'd be cool with her in the final 2.

Jeff/Dani were my ideal final 2. :(