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Big Brother 13 (2011)


New member
I feel bad that Jordan is so upset, but after all, Jeff won so much money this season in competitions, so I don't feel bad about him losing. I feel like people put Jeff and Jordo up on a pedastal, and they aren't all as good and sunshine as everyone makes them out to be. They kinda got on my nerves because it seems like that's all Big Brother shows and everyone is so in love with them. Sorry, I'm not jumping on the Jeff/Jordo train. Jeff was kinda arrogant anyway. He needed to be humbled. After all, Jeff/Jordo voted out Brendan, their own alliance member, so they aren't exactly "role model" players in the game. They also lied to Dani about not putting her up this week.

After all, they were going to vote out shelly if it came to them in the final three, so Shelly was just looking out for herself.

Also, Jordan won two years ago, so she doesn't deserve the win again with all that money. They will be fine.

Rachel is a horrible person, and does not deserve to be there. But then again, who left in the house does deserve to be there?

Cassi should still be in there. I liked her. She was honest heartfelt and trustworthy. Adam is absolutely coasting through this game.


Active member
I am very sad that Daniele was evicted. She was my favorite but she made to many wrong moves. Rachel is a spiteful ITCH and she won't go far in this game. I hate Jeff and Jordan and am so glad that Jeff was evicted. Revenge is Sweet...

Porchse won HOH, I hope Adam is evicted, can't stand him. He is from Jersey but I can't support him. I am team Porsche, all the way now! Shelly too!!! Kalia a close third. Jordon deserves to be in Jury, she sucks at this game!


New member
Well tonight was rough! Was soo sad to see Dani go. Absolutely my favorite player ever. I foolishly thought she might have made it last minute and Rachel had flipped. Although I liked Jeff a lot, I wasn't too sad to see him go since he was the reason Dani went. I cannot stand Adam! The guy cannot play for himself. I'm glad Porsche is HOH, and hope Rachel goes. I feel bad for Jordan but oh wells. I'm actually gaining respect for Shelly and appreciate that she's trying to make moves and actually play the game. I like how Kalia and Porsche have stepped up their game... so I guess I'm rooting for K, P and S now. Who would have thought it would come to that?! But not much choice with the big competitors like Dani and Jeff gone tonight.


Active member
It's so funny how Jeff, Jordan, Brendon, & Rachel sat around talking about how Kalia & Porsce were sooooo useless and they're the only newbies in this game to win a HOH. That's where they messed up, Dani was the only veteran that actually tried to create game relationships with the newbs while the other veterans went around acting like the game was supposed to just be handed over to them.

And, I really cannot take Jordan. She has no right to be calling out anyone on "not doing ****". Also, how pathetic was it to see Jeff begging Shelly for a vote after he had just got done bullying her an hour ago? I just can't stand those two.


New member
Let's face it, this season sucks now. Freaking Adam is probably gonna win at the rate things are going. We all have different favourites, but I think we can all agree that out of everyone there, Adam is the one who deserves it the least.

I can't believe Shelley. Going up to Jordan when she's crying, getting all aggressive and basically acting like Jordan should be feeling sorry for her since she feels guilty now? Ridiculous. Jordan doesn't owe you crap anymore.

Jordan may not be the best game player, but she is an awesome person and it makes me really sad to see her so upset. I don't think I've ever seen her this upset in the BB house before. :(


New member
I think a lot of fans were big Dani fans or big Jeff (HA!) fans or even both. So a lot of people are upset with who went home tonight. I sure am. They were definitely fan favorites. I really hope the rest of the houseguests step up their game and FIGHT to be there. I want someone deserving, who actually makes moves and wins comps to win.


New member
Yeah, it's funny 'cause Dani and Jeff were on opposite sides of the house but they were my fave two players. lol. It's rare for me to have two faves on opposite sides. At least there's only three weeks left so hopefully it won't be too boring.

Porsche is, without a doubt, going to put up Rachel and Jordan this week. Hopefully Rachel wins veto, takes herself off, and Adam is the replacement nominee and gets voted out. But knowing my luck that won't happen.


New member
Yeah, it's funny 'cause Dani and Jeff were on opposite sides of the house but they were my fave two players. lol. It's rare for me to have two faves on opposite sides.

Same here haha i was so torn this whole season, i was like "why cant they just WORK TOGETHER itd make my life so much easier"

anyways, noms are today.


New member
and...we have a twist...Pandoras box is back, and Porsche took the bait. The couples are back in play just like they were originally. Productions way of keeping BOTH Rachel and jordan in the game this week

couples-Porsche & Kalia, Adam & Shelly, Jordan & Rachel.

noms were not held today, they still plan to nominate J & R but if they get veto both get taken off and A & S goes up


New member
^ the couples werent picked by production. they were allowed to pick it themselves but im just saying that the twist is the way for Production to control have those 2 stay in the game. you know production was super freaked when Dani and Jeff both got evicted on thursday


New member
LOL. I love how whenever something doesn't go someone's way on BB it's rigged.

Sure, BB can make the competitions revolve around the strength of the players they would prefer to win, but at the end of the day every single one of them had a shot to win, and they didn't. TPTB can only control so much.


Active member
Um. No. Rachel earned her POV fair & square. Jordan didn't. This whole pairs thing was obviously implemented to push J/R further.


New member
Jordan wouldn't have been voted out even if she didn't get taken off the block with Rachel, IMO.

I don't even care if this thing was to push J/R further. It's not like plenty of other houseguests in the past haven't had the same done to them, INCLUDING Daniele, season 8. It's Big Brother. It's never fair and it never has been.

And besides, I can't really blame the producers for trying to manipulate things a little. They lost their two biggest ratings magnets on Thursday. They're going to do everything they can to keep the ratings up. It's TV, that's how it works.


Active member
Maybe, maybe not. Either way Porsche still would've been able to decide who she wanted to see packing. This 'twist' took all of the power out of HOH. It's just ridiculous, imo.


New member
HOH in the last couple weeks of the show usually doesn't mean anything anyway. In the last 2-3 weeks, it's all about the POV. Whoever wins POV in those weeks usually has the most power, not the HOH.