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Big Brother 13 (2011)


Active member
It is too bad too since she is at least trying to make a game of it. Shelly is the one that is screwing everyone and it will be interesting to see how far she goes in the game.


New member
I'm actually really interested in what's going to happen with Shelly as well. I think she really wants to go to the finals with Jeff/Jordan, but she's covering her bases with the other side also. I wonder if it'll blow up in her face.

As for Dani, it will be interesting to see who wins HOH, and if it's Jeff, Jordan, Brendon, or Rachel, if she'll even bother trying to make a deal with them. If it's Rachel, I think she really might stick to her word and not nominate Kalia (and maybe even Daniele) for voting to keeping her in the house this week. Any of the others, who knows.

I kind of feel bad for Lawon now. He seems like a really nice guy, but he's way too naive and not meant for the BB house.

Edit: nvm. Dani won HOH. Girl knows how to compete when she needs to. Should be an interesting week.


New member
^ she nominated Shelley and Adam.......possible plan to backdoor jeff...original plan to backdoor Brendon before she made a deal with him...i bet she still backdoors him if she gets the all comes down to the veto

this is insane


New member
I hate the idea of backdooring someone. No one ever did it to her in her season, she always had a chance to fight for the veto. Hopefully Jeff and Jordan get picked to play in the veto competition.


Active member
I hope it is Brendon or Rachael that is backdoor. The 1st time around w/ them were a novelty, the second time interesting to see if they brought something new to the table and now the third time around it is intolerable. Other than obviously Jeff's social game is better he is much less a threat than Rachel and Brendon IMO, tho he is a threat.


New member
this season would have been so much better had Evil Dick not left..He would have had things rocking and Rachel crying even
I also just want Shelly gone..She is so freakin annoying.


New member
Adam won veto (so he'll take himself off). Itll be interesting to see who daniele puts as the renom...if shell stick to her deal with Brenchal and either nominate a floater/backdoor jeff. Or Go back on her deal and nominated brendon.

another thing to note...Daniele won the "PoV ticket" which means she can choose to play in a veto competition when she isnt picked in the future


New member
:haha: hahahah Daniele did EXACTLY what i thought shed do and nominated Brendon as the replacement nom. I knew there was no way shed pass that up


New member
Dani NEEDS to stay this week. I will be sooo upset if she goes. Don't nominate her Jeff!


Active member
I'm upset too that Dani is going to be going unless Rachael does something stupid. It is funny that Jeff was all about getting out the floaters but now he forgot all about that. I think the game will be pretty over if Dani goes. Oh well I understand why Jeff would take her out since he has the opportunity.


New member
not sure what they will air, but saw one of the spoiler sites saying that it seems Rachel is 2 days "late". They are wondering if she is gonna have the first Big Brother Stay tuned. If its true and its a guy would they name him VETO???:)


New member
This really, really sucks for Dani. BUT. Game-wise, it was a really smart move. I just hate the idea of backdooring someone, especially someone who is as great of a game player as Dani is.


New member
Dani will be walking out that door on Thursday, no doubts. Thats unfortunate. But, its the best game move for JJ. ugh. I wanted it to be Jeff and Dani as final 2 =(