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"Blown Away" Tracklisting Thread


New member
Must respond with sarcastic remarks from now on.

You guys would have to set my iPod on fire, have Chuck Norris extinguish said fire then proceed to crush it in his deathgrip, then chuck it off the back of the Titanic along with that old lady's necklace to meet Jack's decayed body at the ocean floor if you knew the other crap music I own.

But thanks for being supportive fellow Carrie fans.


New member
It's the combo of McSteamy tumors and McDreamy crash carts. Throw in a retro George Clooney cameo on a gurney in a hallway with 'How to Save a Life' playing over the're set.


New member
I started watching because of McDreamy. :wub: I haven't watched it lately, though. Like I said, these days, the only TV I watch is Castle, VH1 Classic, Happy Days, Cheers, and Family Ties. So, old shows + Castle.(x


Well-known member
Must respond with sarcastic remarks from now on. You guys would have to set my iPod on fire, have Chuck Norris extinguish said fire then proceed to crush it in his deathgrip, then chuck it off the back of the Titanic along with that old lady's necklace to meet Jack's decayed body at the ocean floor if you knew the other crap music I own. But thanks for being supportive fellow Carrie fans.
LOL! Awesome post haha


Well-known member
Elie sourced this iTunes report to "an Arista Nashville spokesperson" - but details have been very sparse.

I don't think we know yet whether it will be on the iTunes US store (which may create problems for people outside the US), or whether you need the iTunes software to listen to it (which would definitely create problems for people who don't use Windows or Mac).

Ideally, it will just play in a web browser, using a flash or media player plug in, but I doubt it.


Well-known member
Just about 13 hours till some of us hear Blown Away for the first time and less than 40 hours for the I-tune. EXCITEMENT:banana:


New member
I have to admit to being jealous of Glenn an any of the others that made the private listening party but so greatful for him bringing a bit of it home to us. I did scrape up fan club membership again, but even if I was called, there is no way I could have afforded it. Luckily, she usually hits Charlotte and/or Columbia on tour so even if they are nose bleed seats, I am tickled to know that there is another Carrie concert on the horizon. A family matter as my daughter and grandchildren go as well. One of the nicest things about Carrie is knowing the whole family is involved and you know it is wholesome. The kids are 12 and 18 and it is so nice to know country is their preference for music. I am so excited, the grandkids and I are so looking forward to listening to the album tonight. My grandson was impressed to hear Carrie does her own whistling. Of course he wanted to know if she could do the loud one with two fingers together.......knowing Carrie I bet she does. I could see her giving one of those shrill whistles to get someone's attention at a baseball game when she was younger. The last artist the whole family was actively involved with was Garth.....5 generations went together to a concert....pretty amazing. I do know this long wait is going to be worth it from everything I have heard. Would live to know what song was Mike's favorite that did not make the album. Hopefully, it will next time. Hearing that FC is her Mom's fav is no surprize knowing it has a pregnancy theme. It would def appeal to most moms. Can not wait...every song has a dif twist to it..,whether it is the theme, the lyrics, the overall feel of the song or the melody, she has enough hooks in this album that in spite of our rough economy, I think it will do well. I live on a real limited income and have already paid for two with promises to the grandkids to get theirs next week. I think that if the music is good enough, people will find a way to buy it....for us, it is about the cost of a McDonald's dinner for the kids and what was more important. I can not wait for reveiws.....I just know she is going to blow them away. Awsome title and very prophetic, I am sure!
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Staff member
we don't know when the itunes stream will be up do we?
Could be up at midnight tonight 14 1/2 hours :)


New member
I still don't get the live stream of a CD that's not released
They wanting it to get pirated prerelease?
Because that is what is going to happen and I don't see how that helps sales when a 'free' version is out there on the net a week before it's for sale in a store or itunes/amazon.
It will be on torrents/usenet so fast your head will spin