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College football & hoops


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We've upgraded from the XBrax 360 to the XBrax One. That spin move he put on display last night might seriously be better than ANYTHING I've seen in an NCAA or Madden video game lol.


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Oklahoma/Tennessee, Oregon/Sparty & LSU/Mississippi State that is a pretty nice trio of games for the 2nd week of the season.


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That was a pathetic 1st half performance from the Ohio State offense and special teams, having a short week is no excuse for looking that awful.


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Bret Bielema should be worry about his own teams schedule instead of being concerned with the schedule of other teams, karma is a b!tch.


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Nice win for Sparty and it was really fun watching Madre London have a good night for them after watching him play in HS.


New member
Well we know the top 2 in the Big Ten can hold their own if not win against anyone in the country. Now if we can only get teams 3-14 to hold up their end............


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That was just a horrid performance by my Buckeyes, they didn't deserve to win the game and the offense is lucky that the D bailed their asses out the entire game.


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TCU struggled with SMU, Bama looks like they're about to go down. OSU hands the number 1 spot over on a silver platter, but no one seems to want it lol.


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"In this kid's case, Mike Tuaua, we'll find out what the facts are. It'll all come out. I just hope when they all come out, you report it just as strongly as what you've done here because it's not even close to what happened south of here."

That is a low blow by Patterson, he doesn't need to be bring up what is going on at other schools to defend anything going on at his own school.


New member
Better showing by my Buckeyes but it's still not good enough to be a team like Sparty, a lot of stuff still needs to be fixed.

Fine display of defense in the TCU/Texas Tech game.


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Butch Jones is a very good football coach but his not going for two when Tennessee was up 12 in the 4th didn't make any sense at all, you always go for two to try to make it 14 in the 4th.


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My Buckeyes are pulling wins out of their asses like the 2002 national title team did.

There are a lot of Top 10 teams who are having a rough week.


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Texas is so bad that I forgot that the Red River Shootout was today until I seen that they were playing today on ESPN's bottom line.