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'Cry Pretty' chart updates

I think that was fake. It created buzz though.

I think that whole Niall Horan stuff was fake too because it just didn’t seem like a song that Carrie would do or record.But it did create buzz that made this wait for the album a little less boring!!

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Well-known member
Since UMG seems to release new songs on Wednesday, I’m really hoping they move on quickly and we get the epic Love Wins out in just a few days!


Well-known member
Why are politics in this thread? Ew

Right?! This thread took a weird, ugly and almost laughable turn.

Anyway, I'd be surprised if CP gets to #1, maybe top 5, but probably not #1. It did it's job though, and we'll continue to see great things, no matter who the president is, lol!


Well-known member
There is still "MAX Push" on the week August 26th - September 1st. After that, it will be a guessing game. We will see if Carrie can beat the odd of favoritism for male country artists.

One woukd think the label would have held back Luke etc to help Carrie. But no such luck sadly.
Right?! This thread took a weird, ugly and almost laughable turn.

Anyway, I'd be surprised if CP gets to #1, maybe top 5, but probably not #1. It did it's job though, and we'll continue to see great things, no matter who the president is, lol!

I’d be surprised too,top 5 is a definite possibility,but #1 almost seems like a long shot at this point.It got her name back out there & got her music back in the public eye,so I think it more than did its job!!

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Staff member
CP passes 'Simple' and moves to #6 (+124/+.067)
6 CARRIE UNDERWOOD Cry Pretty 6326 5572 754 34.143

Canada:CP remains at #10 (-3/-.028)


Staff member
if the label does decide to push again this week there is a chance CP could pass Hooked and make #5, but it & FGL would have to slow down


Well-known member
Is there any chance they could push CP to #1 in the week ending September 16 or the previous week (the 9th)
That way, they could have the additional promo “including the #1 single Cry Pretty” during album release.

Also, with CP a lock for #1 around September 14 (album release), they could release the Love Wins video together with the album that Friday, and also the single to radio.


Staff member
^ realistically? No. That would take a sustained 3-4 week max spins push,which doesn't happen.

For me it's better to let CP go and release single 2 so she can sing it/promote it while overseas.
^ realistically? No. That would take a sustained 3-4 week max spins push,which doesn't happen.

For me it's better to let CP go and release single 2 so she can sing it/promote it while overseas.

I agree, we need a new single to promote during week release.

What's the point in a #1 solely pushed by the label anyway?
I agree, we need a new single to promote during week release.

What's the point in a #1 solely pushed by the label anyway?

I talked to someone that has been keeping up with CPs chart struggles & they even said that the chances for a #1 right now are pretty slim.In my personal opinion,the song to me is just basically treading water at this point.I think the label needs to cut their losses with the song & just move onto the next single because there’s just no sense in pushing it when it’s only 3 more weeks until the album comes out.If there’s a new single,they could promote it during CPs release week & really try to create buzz for the song & album.There’s just no point in having a #1 when the label are the only ones pushing it & I just think that there’s just not much more that they can do at this point.This is just my opinion,but the only thing keeping the song alive on the chart is all of the requesting that people are doing on the radio_Otherwise,I think they would’ve moved on to the next single already & let the song fall on the charts.Trying to push the song now when it’s pretty clear people have moved on from it & radio only playing it when people request it is just sheer futility at this point.

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