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[Feb 12] The 54th Annual Grammy Awards (Official Discussion Thread)


Well-known member
As amazing as Jennifer Hudson is, why the heck didn't she win American Idol?
Three similar singers in the same season. Fantasia, La Toya and her. She was the least likeable one imo. I personally think she tends to oversing a lot too.

The Oscar win and high profile performances now doesn't change my impression of her idol run. Although I am not a Fantasia fan, I do think Fantasia was a deserving winner.


Well-known member
I am so annoyed that Taylor gets so much love from the media and voters-- yet they nit pick everything Carrie does. Taylor lip synced last night-- per MSN news-- and many others-- yet gets good reviews for her performance.

I will never understand why the media and critics/voters are so hard on Carrie-- yet worship the ground Taylor walks on...It is unreal.

At least Twitter loved Carrie last night. She trended WW twice-- in two time zones-- and trended in the UK too and Canada, World wide!

She got overwhelmingly positive replies for her outfits-- both of them-- and 95% good reviews for the Tony Bennett performance. The only negative comments were haters or people who didn't really like Carrie or the song in the first place.

But everyone else loved the performance. It was just too short though.


Well-known member
hi tee, is there, by an chance, a picture of carrie with adele?

thanks so much

unfortunately -- no. No pictures with Kelly Clarkson either, as per usual. (sigh)

I didn't see too many photos of Adele backstage with others. Perhaps she is a private person and didn't mingle much.

She is in a few with Lady A backstage though-- luckies.


Active member
I can't believe TS won over such worthy songs! When will her reign end!!!! Ok, noe that I got that out!!!

ok guys, the Grammys are over, let's move on!
I am glad that Carrie was nominated, performed and presented! We were very lucky to get that! Thank you Tony!

Hopefully this year will be amazing for Carrie and she will win next year!


Active member
Carrie was 100% class last night and it is all we could have asked for.
It's alittle sad how country got represented by such a poor song choice for best song and equally poor vocal performance.
But I am at the point where I really think country music is deserving everything it is getting.
If you allow the world to think that a pop singer "acting like a Hick" is legitimate country music, that that stereotype is just going to persist.
TS was playing the role lastnight in her performance of a backroad Hee Haw reject and everyone thought it was cute.
It's sad to me that this is what people have thought best represented country music.
Oh well, let them have it. And let Big Machine have it. Don't care.
Carrie was amazing.
And she stands head and shoulders above these other knuckleheads.


Active member
I am hoping Carrie's new single comes out with a bang! I am ready for her to start winning some industy awards again. Yes I know awards are not everything and I don't expect Carrie to win everything but I sure would like to see her back in the award spotlight again. It just seems like its the same ones winning all the time now.

One of the DJ's on my radio station even commented about the country album award last night. He said he was tired of LA winning all the time and he felt that Jason Aldean or Eric Church should have won country album. I actually agee with him on that one. I was just surprised he said that on air. I don't have anything against LA either but I was really surprised that they won country album given that that was their only nomination.


New member
It sure does seem that unless the country artist remixes for other genres, they will be less likely to win awards. :(

I hope Carrie's new COUNTRY album blows everyone away!


Active member
After some of the results last night, if sure makes a person wonder if the voters actually listen to the whole cds or the individual solo performances.


Active member
i cant vote in that battle of the idols poll :( its US only

also just seen JHud performance on YT & gotta say ot was very emotional!

CANNOT wait to see Carrie on my TV in a bit! Grammys starting soon! :D


Well-known member
I honestly do not think country singers can win Grammys anymore, in the country categories. It is all about Taylor and Lady A due to their pop crossovers. Everyone else gets the shaft. It is sad.

Even Carrie is too "country" for their taste now. I bet the 9513 would laugh at that statement-- but it is true.

I feel very sad about what is happening with the voters, industry and media-- with the constant over-hyping of SWSRN.

The only person who stood up to her (THANK GOD!) was the director/producer of Les Mis-- who picked the more talented person for the role despite the tweens that would have flocked to the theaters to see tonedeaf Taylor. It is refreshing to see someone say NO to that girl, finally!


Well-known member
You know Tee, it is frustrating but like my Grandmother (retired music/vocal teacher) said---"one day you are headlines and before you know it you are footnotes and hope the talent you have is great enough for you to hang in there". That will happen to SWSRN and according to the look on her face when Miranda Lambert won the award for female vocalist and when Lady A won the Grammy for country record, she will not handle that fall well at all. She is not versatile enough to make it in the world of music and can not act well enough to be in that world. She has this arrogant attitude that she should be winning because she deserves to win. Frankly, I pity her.