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[Feb 12] The 54th Annual Grammy Awards (Official Discussion Thread)


Well-known member
I am watching E!News and I don't think Ryan Seacrest interviewed Carrie. I am confused. Did Carrie decline all interviews yesterday? I haven't seen a single one.


New member
I wonder if Carrie purposely avoided interviews to avoid being pressed into answering questions about her new single/album that she is not ready to talk about. I'm sure she has plenty of interviews coming up as she does promos for her new music.


Well-known member
Yeah but she is missing out on alot of much needed press today on all the talk shows-- by avoiding interviews. She could have used it to plug the new single and album and build the hype.

I am a little surprised that she would avoid interviews now when she really needs the publicity.


Well-known member
I'll say she is pissed big time. She thinks she deserves all the awards. Big Machine and the music industry have created a monster named Taylor. She does not bother to hide her reaction at all. She knows that no matter what she does she will not be called out for it be the industry, press or anyone --other than the angry fans of other artists.

Taylor's fans are feeding off her now too--- not all as some are nice-- but alot of them are now entitled and spoiled, and they are very very arrogant when it comes to Taylor winning. They think she is the Queen of the world and never should lose ever-- as she is better then every single artist out there. They cannot handle her losing at all and are much worse then we ever were as a fanbase.

I think we are ok with losing at this point--- but I for one just have a problem losing to inferior artists. When Carrie loses to a worthy opponent, I am disappointed but not mad.

Her fans are following her lead of entitlement and arrogance.. Yet the funny thing is it was all POOR TAYLOR when Kanye interrupted her. She is painted as an innocent lamb but she is arrogant and entitled, as well as calculating. She expects everything to be handed to her at this point.


Well-known member
Wow as far Carrie was not even shown at all on E!News-- not once! Not even for her fashion!

Are they mad at her for declining interviews?


I don't think Carrie did any interviews yesterday.
She didn't speak to Ryan Seacrest (or Giuliana Rancic) for E!, which I thought she would. Maybe she didn't want to comment on the inevitable question of Whitney's passing?

I'd be surprised if she wasn't mentioned on E!'s Fashion Police, though! She did go in their GlamCam360 & she's been all over the E! website & their various twitter accounts.


Active member
Guys, I honestly think she declined because of Whitney passing. I bet she felt weird promoting herself after what happened.


Well-known member
^^That is bizarre. Carrie is always on for fashion.

I am wrong. They showed Carrie in the fashion police end of the show on E! News-- and liked the dress..

I jumped the gun. lol but she was not shown or mentioned in any of the other Grammy coverage.


Well-known member
Which is funny cause how could something that only lasted about 30 seconds be considered boring.
It's rediculous.

Some of the media just can't give Carrie a break-- no matter what. They are always nitpicking something about Carrie. She must not play the game and kiss their butt like Taylor does.


New member
I'm late to the party lol, but I thought Carrie looked amazing last night, both on the carpet and during the performance. The red carpet look is one of my favorite looks from Carrie ever. Both looks were very mature. I like seeing how Carrie's look has changed over the years...she's become quite the fashionista! Carrie and Tony were great as well.

Other highlights for me were:
LL Cool J's opening to the show - Very respectful. It was nice to see him offer a prayer.
Adele - She was so gracious during her wins, and her performance was wonderful. She showed some other people in the room how you do a proper Grammy performance.
Bruce and The E Street Band, Sir Paul and The Beach Boys - Nice to see older artists showing the younger artists how its done.
Bruno Mars - I love his retro vibe, and he is tons of fun. He showed a few others in attendance that you can put on a very entertaining show while still singing your song live.
Bonnie Raitt stills sounds fantastic after all this time. I love her, but I felt the Etta tribute was too short.
Glen Campbell "tribute" - Blake and TBP did a nice job, but the real highlight was seeing Glen do his thing up there on stage. He is a true treasure.
Jennifer did a great job with the Whitney tribute. She was very respectful. The Grammys handled Whitney's death with great grace...I was impressed.

A few lowlights:
All of those that opted to lip-sync instead of sing's the Grammys for crying outloud! Chris Brown's lip-syncing was so obvious that I don't know why he bothered to even wear a mic at all.
Nicki Minaj's entire performance (and red carpet outfit as well) has me confused and a little unsettled. I feel like I should be offended by the entire thing lol. She is just trying to out-Gaga Lady Gaga. The entire performance would have been better suited for the VMAs.
What was with the girls that were texting while everyone else was giving Glen Campbell a standing ovation? Have some respect ladies.


Well-known member
Some of the media just can't give Carrie a break-- no matter what. They are always nitpicking something about Carrie. She must not play the game and kiss their butt like Taylor does.

You are right. I can not stand how Taylor GUSHES to everyone---she knows how to gush over them and most superficial people will eat that up big time----she does that to the DJ's also (per an off the cuff remark from a DJ that I know) and gives parties after her shows for radio personnel in the area. She BRIBES but tries to make it look like she is so appreciative and loves them---so sick and FAKE......BTW--the DJ is a huge Carrie fan also.


Well-known member
Kristin Chenowich called out those girls for texting on twitter. It was awesome! lol They were so rude!

I also loved LL Cool J's opening prayer. It was unexpected and genuine. I loved it!

I'm late to the party lol, but I thought Carrie looked amazing last night, both on the carpet and during the performance. The red carpet look is one of my favorite looks from Carrie ever. Both looks were very mature. I like seeing how Carrie's look has changed over the years...she's become quite the fashionista! Carrie and Tony were great as well.

Other highlights for me were:
LL Cool J's opening to the show - Very respectful. It was nice to see him offer a prayer.
Adele - She was so gracious during her wins, and her performance was wonderful. She showed some other people in the room how you do a proper Grammy performance.
Bruce and The E Street Band, Sir Paul and The Beach Boys - Nice to see older artists showing the younger artists how its done.
Bruno Mars - I love his retro vibe, and he is tons of fun. He showed a few others in attendance that you can put on a very entertaining show while still singing your song live.
Bonnie Raitt stills sounds fantastic after all this time. I love her, but I felt the Etta tribute was too short.
Glen Campbell "tribute" - Blake and TBP did a nice job, but the real highlight was seeing Glen do his thing up there on stage. He is a true treasure.
Jennifer did a great job with the Whitney tribute. She was very respectful. The Grammys handled Whitney's death with great grace...I was impressed.

A few lowlights:
All of those that opted to lip-sync instead of sing's the Grammys for crying outloud! Chris Brown's lip-syncing was so obvious that I don't know why he bothered to even wear a mic at all.
Nicki Minaj's entire performance (and red carpet outfit as well) has me confused and a little unsettled. I feel like I should be offended by the entire thing lol. She is just trying to out-Gaga Lady Gaga. The entire performance would have been better suited for the VMAs.
What was with the girls that were texting while everyone else was giving Glen Campbell a standing ovation? Have some respect ladies.


Active member
You are right. I can not stand how Taylor GUSHES to everyone---she knows how to gush over them and most superficial people will eat that up big time----she does that to the DJ's also (per an off the cuff remark from a DJ that I know) and gives parties after her shows for radio personnel in the area. She BRIBES but tries to make it look like she is so appreciative and loves them---so sick and FAKE......BTW--the DJ is a huge Carrie fan also.

HUGE reason number 1 why Big Machine has taken the game to a new level. They have found a loop hole in the payola game. Money may not be leaving hands but she is bribing them in a different way.


Well-known member
You are right. I can not stand how Taylor GUSHES to everyone---she knows how to gush over them and most superficial people will eat that up big time----she does that to the DJ's also (per an off the cuff remark from a DJ that I know) and gives parties after her shows for radio personnel in the area. She BRIBES but tries to make it look like she is so appreciative and loves them---so sick and FAKE......BTW--the DJ is a huge Carrie fan also.

wow that is interesting. All part of the BIG MACHINE....that I am more convinced then ever is the Illuminati. lol

Giving parties for radio djs is a bit over the top. I am sure more money changes hands then that, too.


Well-known member
ps why is TSwift still tending on twitter? I don't get it. Shouldn't it be Adele?

Don't those tweens ever have homework???