Carrie Underwood Fans

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[Feb 12] The 54th Annual Grammy Awards (Official Discussion Thread)


Well-known member

Okay! This is my last post! I've been posting so much on this thread lately! xD Good night everybody! And....



Well-known member
I don't get how they can gang up on her do they realize who she is married to? (a hunter)

They know nothing about Carrie. One rabid guy tweets or blogs crap about her and her donation to HSUS--- and all their followers blindly accept this as Truth like blind sheep. No one bothers to check the facts. They just bash her, and boycott her.


Active member
Tee, Carrie will be JUST FINE! :) Don't worry. :) IGNORE THEM!

They might be "ganging up" against Carrie, but.... they're failing miserably. You have more influence and impact on Twitter than all of them combined!

And... I bet Carrie's still going to have a successful tour in 2012!

You should worry about Taylor's trolls instead... When the music video of Good Girl will come out on YouTube, they will go on it and comment BS as usual.
And who's going to read all those comments? EVERYBODY, because those BS comments will be in the "top rated comments" section.
I'm already cleaning my shot guns....

The last sentence made me laugh liveasong. You have good sense of humor. Yes, Carrie will be fine, she has the carrie warriors to protect her. GG will be released SOON and Carrie will dominate again.


Well-known member
Tee, Carrie will be JUST FINE! :) Don't worry. :) IGNORE THEM!

They might be "ganging up" against Carrie, but.... they're failing miserably. You have more influence and impact on Twitter than all of them combined!

And... I bet Carrie's still going to have a successful tour in 2012!

You should worry about Taylor's trolls instead... When the music video of Good Girl will come out on YouTube, they will go on it and comment BS as usual.
And who's going to read all those comments? EVERYBODY, because those BS comments will be in the "top rated comments" section.
I'm already cleaning my shot guns....

lol good one!

and thanx for the Sponge Bob pictures! He always makes me smile. lol


New member
Thanks Ann and liveasong. I plan on watching me some Preds hockey tomorrow and hope they can come out w/ a win! That would be a great Birthday present!!
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New member

Okay! This is my last post! I've been posting so much on this thread lately! xD Good night everybody! And....


I must say, I think I may like Sponge Bob now!

Happy Valentine's Day to All!

Happy Birthday, Jade!


New member
Take Joan River's comments with a grain of salt. Look at how she dresses, or should I say over dresses. She doesn't have class, it is always gaudy, especially her jewelry. I don't think I have ever seen a picture of Carrie when she didn't personify class. There's always such a regal aspect about her on the red carpet, no matter what she wears. jealousy always comes with bad comments.

Thank you! Very well-said, and it couldn't be more true. Carrie has class, heart, and beauty; old jealous Joan Rivers could learn a lot from her.


New member
The last sentence made me laugh liveasong. You have good sense of humor. Yes, Carrie will be fine, she has the carrie warriors to protect her. GG will be released SOON and Carrie will dominate again.

SOME people still do not trust TEAM CARRIE. :exclaim::exclaim:

After Carrie's PHENOMENAL SUCCESS and CONTINUOUS streams of "THE BEST OF THE BEST" live performances and Carrie's POWERFUL SELF-CONFIDENCE, NOW ...... There is NOTHING TO WORRY!!! :sunny::sunny: