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[Feb 12] The 54th Annual Grammy Awards (Official Discussion Thread)


New member
half of them are like 12 or 13 so they prob dont have that much hw

Somehow I bet that a lot of 12-13 year olds who listen to Taylor don't "get" Adele's Rolling in the Deep - a song about being taken advantage of by someone else.
Joking aside, I think the generation gap does exist.


Active member
I'm rewatching Adele's performance from last night and it made me wonder something, has she gotten any flack from critics and the press for just standing at her mic and singing? Seems kind of a double standard if some can do it and others (namely Carrie) get ragged on it all the time and how can they be a true entertainer?

To me, Adele's singing is just like a good singer doing a vocal exercise --that's it (kind of boring) :):)


Active member
Somehow I bet that a lot of 12-13 year olds who listen to Taylor don't "get" Adele's Rolling in the Deep - a song about being taken advantage of by someone else.
Joking aside, I think the generation gap does exist.

Its not sad that a bunch of little kids worship a disney princess. It's sad that the supposed disney princess is the same age as Adele lol
I didn't get a chance to watch the show last night but I tried to read as much as I could about the show, and watch as many performances on YouTube. I think Carrie and Tony did amazing in their duet! I haven't heard anything negative about Carrie.
As for the other performances, I thought Jennifer Hudson did very well in the Whitney Houston tribute; its so sad that she passed, she was so talented! I really like her, but I thought Nicki Minaj's performance was really really weird, and I was not a fan of it. I liked Katy Perry's even though she's not an amazing vocalist. And I think Adele did amazing!! She's so talented and she deserved every award she won. For the most part I was pretty happy with the awards (though I do wish Carrie beat Taylor :/ )


Active member
TS iwas trending cause her video came out this evening.
Believe me she and her handlers plan things constantly day and night to make sure when the light is shinning "it is on her".
They don't miss a beat.
As far as the show, I do think it was respectable. But I unfortunately had a real sense of the direction the dicipline of music is going.
I mean I will admit that artistic does not have to mean glory notes. But lets face it, the orchestra in the background all had more talent as muscicians than most every person on that stage.
And we glorify the stunt pullers. No one may have like Niki's performance but she is all anyone is talking about.
And the way the industry feeds itself with things like "having Taylors new little civil war friends announce her so they could say with all sincerity: And now the most popular singer in the WORLD!" I Mean They Really Said That! Only to have the audience respond with a standing ovation. For What? Stayiong On Key?? There was a time when Lina Horne or Ela Fitzgerald or Sarah Vaghn were "Expected" to stay on key. And be brilliant. and what they got was a gratuatious clap. And that was enough. Not even Niki and her complete specticle got a standingO. Why??????
The level of self promotion and building up of images that are just gimmicky and silly was just sad this year.
For all the Rhianna and Brown and Minaj lipsyncing, the true vocalists were generally disregarded. Short of Adele, Thank God.
But Bruno was amazing. And he was basically overlooked for all the cookiness going on.
To say nothing for poor Carrie who wasy put at the end and had to serve double duty, sing first and announce the winner now!


Well-known member
I agree with you. It makes me sick to see the real musical talent pushed aside and discarded for a fake, non talented artist. However, I think the younger (30's and younger) are making these people famous not caring that they can not sing-----they put on a SHOW (bells & whistles) that keep them entertained. I love a good lyrical song and a good vocalist to deliver it. I hope this nonsense runs it's course and we get back to good music and talented artists.


Well-known member
agree. Bruno Mars was great! I loved him! And he was definitely overlooked. Same with gaga. She just sat there next to Miranda and Blake looking like a lost soul.

I would have loved the Civil Wars if they weren't so close with Taylor. lol I hated how they called her the most popular singer in the world. What a JOKE! Not even close to being true!

Everything Taylor's team does is carefully planned months in advance-- down to her second outfit for the Grammy Pre-Show. She must have known she would have a photo opp as a Winner at the Grammy pre-show-- so she picked a second outfit for that show, and a different gown for the Main show--- for extra photo opps.

She knew she had won. The only thing that is gratifying is that her second dress was not photographed with a new Grammy for country album. What a joke.

TS iwas trending cause her video came out this evening.
Believe me she and her handlers plan things constantly day and night to make sure when the light is shinning "it is on her".
They don't miss a beat.
As far as the show, I do think it was respectable. But I unfortunately had a real sense of the direction the dicipline of music is going.
I mean I will admit that artistic does not have to mean glory notes. But lets face it, the orchestra in the background all had more talent as muscicians than most every person on that stage.
And we glorify the stunt pullers. No one may have like Niki's performance but she is all anyone is talking about.
And the way the industry feeds itself with things like "having Taylors new little civil war friends announce her so they could say with all sincerity: And now the most popular singer in the WORLD!" I Mean They Really Said That! Only to have the audience respond with a standing ovation. For What? Stayiong On Key?? There was a time when Lina Horne or Ela Fitzgerald or Sarah Vaghn were "Expected" to stay on key. And be brilliant. and what they got was a gratuatious clap. And that was enough. Not even Niki and her complete specticle got a standingO. Why??????
The level of self promotion and building up of images that are just gimmicky and silly was just sad this year.
For all the Rhianna and Brown and Minaj lipsyncing, the true vocalists were generally disregarded. Short of Adele, Thank God.
But Bruno was amazing. And he was basically overlooked for all the cookiness going on.
To say nothing for poor Carrie who wasy put at the end and had to serve double duty, sing first and announce the winner now!


New member
What irks me about SWSRN is that she said she wrote a song about someone being mean to her and haha she won 2 grammy's for it. It just seems like no one will say anything critical about her because they are afraid of what song will come next -- and I guess they're right because she just won 2 grammy's for a song that she even finally admitted was about someone criticizing her -- she cannot take any criticism and Borchetta won't allow any criticism of her so until she falls, guess she's here to stay. Unfortunate for her because the fall may be one that's extremely difficult for her.


New member
TS iwas trending cause her video came out this evening.
Believe me she and her handlers plan things constantly day and night to make sure when the light is shinning "it is on her".
They don't miss a beat.
As far as the show, I do think it was respectable. But I unfortunately had a real sense of the direction the dicipline of music is going.
I mean I will admit that artistic does not have to mean glory notes. But lets face it, the orchestra in the background all had more talent as muscicians than most every person on that stage.
And we glorify the stunt pullers. No one may have like Niki's performance but she is all anyone is talking about.
And the way the industry feeds itself with things like "having Taylors new little civil war friends announce her so they could say with all sincerity: And now the most popular singer in the WORLD!" I Mean They Really Said That! Only to have the audience respond with a standing ovation. For What? Stayiong On Key?? There was a time when Lina Horne or Ela Fitzgerald or Sarah Vaghn were "Expected" to stay on key. And be brilliant. and what they got was a gratuatious clap. And that was enough. Not even Niki and her complete specticle got a standingO. Why??????
The level of self promotion and building up of images that are just gimmicky and silly was just sad this year.
For all the Rhianna and Brown and Minaj lipsyncing, the true vocalists were generally disregarded. Short of Adele, Thank God.
But Bruno was amazing. And he was basically overlooked for all the cookiness going on.
To say nothing for poor Carrie who wasy put at the end and had to serve double duty, sing first and announce the winner now!

The GREAT THING is that, Carrie will have an "ENDURING and SUBSTANTIAL" CAREER. I am just VERY EXCITED about Carrie's "THE BEST OF THE BEST" - "FOURTH ALBUM and 2012 LIVE CONCERT TOURS"!!! TEAM CARRIE has the ability to STIMULATE CHANGE AND PROGRESS in the HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL, "Play On Live Concert Tours" (Commercially and CRITICALLY, based on great reviews of the critics). "POPULARITY" IS NOT A STATE OF GRACE!!! In business, it is a TREASURE hard-won in the music battlefields of PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT and MARKETING. Most of the products and services showcased at the 54th Grammy Awards last night - the stuff that the music market buy and consume - owe their status in part to AGGRESSIVE SALES TACTICS AND MARKETING. In its most potent and permanent form (*POPULARITY*), however, the *LONG RACE* belongs to the "TORTOISE", NOT, TO THE "HARE". Sales pitches, advertising, and FADS - WILL COME AND GO!!! HISTORY SPEAKS VOLUMES!!!


New member
I would love to just see one awards show thread be about Carrie and what she did instead of all the b!tching & complaining about this person or that person but there is NO CHANCE in hell that will ever happen.


Well-known member
Lovely. I just watched Joan Rivers' Fashion Police on E! for the Grammys. On E!News, they loved Carrie's dress.

but on the Joan Rivers Fashion Police, they said it was too old and matronly for Carrie, and that it looked like ceiling glitter. Naturally, they loved SWSRN's dress.

Poor Carrie can't even catch a break there. Her dress was stunning! They are CRAZY!


Active member
Lovely. I just watched Joan Rivers' Fashion Police on E! for the Grammys. On E!News, they loved Carrie's dress.

but on the Joan Rivers Fashion Police, they said it was too old and matronly for Carrie, and that it looked like ceiling glitter. Naturally, they loved SWSRN's dress.

Poor Carrie can't even catch a break there. Her dress was stunning! They are CRAZY!

I love Joan Rivers, she's really funny at times...And I can see how they feel the dress is a little "matronly", although when she turns and reveals that sexy back, I feel like someone's stabbing me with "Oomph" factor...The dress was a grat balance, IMO.

Did they really like SWSRN's though? She looked like a Chinese ballerina with that collar and all that weird stuff...AND THAT HAIR! I'm usually a fan of hair pulled-back, but it was soooo...URRRGGHHHH!!


New member
I would love to just see one awards show thread be about Carrie and what she did instead of all the b!tching & complaining about this person or that person but there is NO CHANCE in hell that will ever happen.

Is there seriously nothing maybe the mods could do to keep the section Carrie of the board on topic and about Carrie and keep all the other stuff in the off topic sections of the board? It's so tiresome to read the same things over and over every single award show.


New member
Take Joan River's comments with a grain of salt. Look at how she dresses, or should I say over dresses. She doesn't have class, it is always gaudy, especially her jewelry. I don't think I have ever seen a picture of Carrie when she didn't personify class. There's always such a regal aspect about her on the red carpet, no matter what she wears. jealousy always comes with bad comments.


New member
Lovely. I just watched Joan Rivers' Fashion Police on E! for the Grammys. On E!News, they loved Carrie's dress.

but on the Joan Rivers Fashion Police, they said it was too old and matronly for Carrie, and that it looked like ceiling glitter. Naturally, they loved SWSRN's dress.

Poor Carrie can't even catch a break there. Her dress was stunning! They are CRAZY!

"Joan Rivers" WHO?????


New member
take joan river's comments with a grain of salt. Look at how she dresses, or should i say over dresses. She doesn't have class, it is always gaudy, especially her jewelry. I don't think i have ever seen a picture of carrie when she didn't personify class. There's always such a regal aspect about her on the red carpet, no matter what she wears. Jealousy always comes with bad comments.

Very well said!!!


New member

Is there seriously nothing maybe the mods could do to keep the section Carrie of the board on topic and about Carrie and keep all the other stuff in the off topic sections of the board? It's so tiresome to read the same things over and over every single award show.

Seriously, Carrie could be at some awards show be nominated for say 5 awards, she could win 3 but there will be as much if not more complaining about the two she didn't win instead of three that she won.


New member
Seriously, Carrie could be at some awards show be nominated for say 5 awards, she could win 3 but there will be as much if not more complaining about the two she didn't win instead of three that she won.
Now JB you know that'll never happen because everyone is out to get Carrie, no way she would ever win 3 awards :p.


Well-known member
What irks me about SWSRN is that she said she wrote a song about someone being mean to her and haha she won 2 grammy's for it. It just seems like no one will say anything critical about her because they are afraid of what song will come next -- and I guess they're right because she just won 2 grammy's for a song that she even finally admitted was about someone criticizing her -- she cannot take any criticism and Borchetta won't allow any criticism of her so until she falls, guess she's here to stay. Unfortunate for her because the fall may be one that's extremely difficult for her.

I agree that when (notice I didn't say if) she falls she will wonder what went wrong. Didn't everyone love me?