Carrie Underwood Fans

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[Feb 12] The 54th Annual Grammy Awards (Official Discussion Thread)


Well-known member
I love Joan Rivers, she's really funny at times...And I can see how they feel the dress is a little "matronly", although when she turns and reveals that sexy back, I feel like someone's stabbing me with "Oomph" factor...The dress was a grat balance, IMO.

Did they really like SWSRN's though? She looked like a Chinese ballerina with that collar and all that weird stuff...AND THAT HAIR! I'm usually a fan of hair pulled-back, but it was soooo...URRRGGHHHH!!

IMO, she looked like she was attending a figure skating competition. :S


Active member
Joan Rivers is hired on that show to come up with the most obscene jokes she can possibly think up!!! In EVERY Carrie Alert that I've had, they are raving about how beautiful and classy Carrie was!!!


Well-known member
I would love to just see one awards show thread be about Carrie and what she did instead of all the b!tching & complaining about this person or that person but there is NO CHANCE in hell that will ever happen.

There could be a thread specifically for the broad Grammy awards,etc - and most of us would be there but it would let there be a place for those of you who don't want to see "what the heck was Nicki Minaj doing?" and concentrate solely on Carrie.


Active member
Even though Carrie did not win anything yesterday, she looked very content / happy -- perhaps, now she puts married life with Mike above winning musical awards such as Grammys.


Well-known member
I thought Carrie's dress was stunning. I did not think it was matronly. They always have to pick on Carrie for something.

I actually did like Taylor's dress, to be honest. I have nothing bad to say about it. But there was no reason for them to trash Carrie.

I love Joan Rivers, she's really funny at times...And I can see how they feel the dress is a little "matronly", although when she turns and reveals that sexy back, I feel like someone's stabbing me with "Oomph" factor...The dress was a grat balance, IMO.

Did they really like SWSRN's though? She looked like a Chinese ballerina with that collar and all that weird stuff...AND THAT HAIR! I'm usually a fan of hair pulled-back, but it was soooo...URRRGGHHHH!!


Well-known member
Even though Carrie did not win anything yesterday, she looked very content / happy -- perhaps, now she puts married life with Mike above winning musical awards such as Grammys.

I don't think you should have to give up your career and winning awards though, to be married. I think you should be able to have both. But I think this year, Carrie knew she lost like most of us did, well in advance, so maybe she was at peace with it.


Well-known member
PS-- now the hunters are ganging up on Carrie on twitter- trashing her for her HSUS donation years ago. lmao

First it was the rodeo people, now the hunters. They are planning to boycott her tour and albums, just like the rodeo people. Soon there will be no one left to go to Carrie's shows. lol


Well-known member
Now JB you know that'll never happen because everyone is out to get Carrie, no way she would ever win 3 awards :p.


Carrie: Wait what? I'll prove you wrong very "soon"! ;) 2012 IS MY YEAR!


Well-known member
PS-- now the hunters are ganging up on Carrie on twitter- trashing her for her HSUS donation years ago. lmao

First it was the rodeo people, now the hunters. They are planning to boycott her tour and albums, just like the rodeo people. Soon there will be no one left to go to Carrie's shows. lol

I don't get how they can gang up on her do they realize who she is married to? (a hunter)


New member
PS-- now the hunters are ganging up on Carrie on twitter- trashing her for her HSUS donation years ago. lmao

First it was the rodeo people, now the hunters. They are planning to boycott her tour and albums, just like the rodeo people. Soon there will be no one left to go to Carrie's shows. lol

I've seen them of them responded to me...looked him up, he's a rich kid talking about the gym & the country club...nothing wrong with that but he acts like he's God's gift to hunters and all people...lmao


Active member
There's been alot of negative talk today about Nicki's act!? Supposedly it was an exorcism....of herself. With the whole levitating bit. With the Pope, and herself as a nun. I found it repugnant!


Well-known member
PS-- now the hunters are ganging up on Carrie on twitter- trashing her for her HSUS donation years ago. lmao

First it was the rodeo people, now the hunters. They are planning to boycott her tour and albums, just like the rodeo people. Soon there will be no one left to go to Carrie's shows. lol

Tee, Carrie will be JUST FINE! :) Don't worry. :) IGNORE THEM!

They might be "ganging up" against Carrie, but.... they're failing miserably. You have more influence and impact on Twitter than all of them combined!

And... I bet Carrie's still going to have a successful tour in 2012!

You should worry about Taylor's trolls instead... When the music video of Good Girl will come out on YouTube, they will go on it and comment BS as usual.
And who's going to read all those comments? EVERYBODY, because those BS comments will be in the "top rated comments" section.
I'm already cleaning my shot guns....