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'Love Wins' chart updates


Well-known member
CU4Ever, said they believed it would be a smash.

I'm keeping my expectations in check, which I think a lot more people should do, it's what caused a lot of disappointment with the LW chart run. Times are a changing on the radio.

While I agree that we need to keep expectations in check, I also think some of the evidence that times are a changing (at least a little) on the radio could be positive. Momin has posted evidence that there appears to be some growing willingness to play an increased variety of women artists in the top 40. (I know it's limited, and I'd be among the first to say it's not enough - but it is a start). In the higher reaches there is also some general evidence that Bro Country has passed it's peak, and there is more stylistic and thematic risk being taken. Jason Aldean had a recent number one with the neo-traditional influenced "Drowns the Whiskey"; Blake Shelton has released "God's Country", which he has called a tribute to Oklahoma, which everyone can interpret in their own way, and which includes Blues and Rock influence in the music, and is arguably closer to his more rootsty early work; Thomas Rhett has released a song which, while still seeming to me a rather Bro-ish relationship song, includes some more interesting touches in the music (possibly reflecting the fact that his father was involved in the writing).

If Carrie releases one of the deeper and more musically adventurous songs that many of us want, she wouldn't be entirely alone - and while, of course, no one can guarantee a smash, it should help broaden her reputation. The first point (no guarantees) would also apply to a good-time party song (which may be a fading trend) - but I don't think that would do so much for her artistic reputation (something the Cry Pretty era really deserves to receive full credit)


Well-known member
While I agree that we need to keep expectations in check, I also think some of the evidence that times are a changing (at least a little) on the radio could be positive. Momin has posted evidence that there appears to be some growing willingness to play an increased variety of women artists in the top 40. (I know it's limited, and I'd be among the first to say it's not enough - but it is a start). In the higher reaches there is also some general evidence that Bro Country has passed it's peak, and there is more stylistic and thematic risk being taken. Jason Aldean had a recent number one with the neo-traditional influenced "Drowns the Whiskey"; Blake Shelton has released "God's Country", which he has called a tribute to Oklahoma, which everyone can interpret in their own way, and which includes Blues and Rock influence in the music, and is arguably closer to his more rootsty early work; Thomas Rhett has released a song which, while still seeming to me a rather Bro-ish relationship song, includes some more interesting touches in the music (possibly reflecting the fact that his father was involved in the writing).

If Carrie releases one of the deeper and more musically adventurous songs that many of us want, she wouldn't be entirely alone - and while, of course, no one can guarantee a smash, it should help broaden her reputation. The first point (no guarantees) would also apply to a good-time party song (which may be a fading trend) - but I don't think that would do so much for her artistic reputation (something the Cry Pretty era really deserves to receive full credit)

I agree. There are more women it seems breaking the Top 40, but it doesn't appear many are breaking into the Top 20, and certainly not many getting higher, that's the main problem. I agree the bro/party trend looks to be fading, but overall male dominance does not. I hope at this point we get more legacy building songs from Carrie, like you mention, that I think, would be absolutely amazing for her.


Active member
IMO, DA is the only song on this album that can reach #1. Why? It's very catchy and most importantly, it has a drinking theme that country radio favors. Sad to be that way but it is reality. I hope it is single 3.


Staff member
LW remains at #11 (+129 spins/+.481 AIs)
11 CARRIE UNDERWOOD Love Wins 4914 4728 186 26.521
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If she releases SOUTHBOUND, then we can kiss a Grammy nomination goodbye. I'm rotting for either DA or GOTS. I'm not sure LOW would be a good choice for the summer.


Active member
Southbound is the only song that I don’t like on the album. I think it needs to be DA followed by Low to reset this era, and if they give her a 5th single go for ghosts on the stereo. But backsliding and that song that we used to make love to need to be released onto pop radio.


Well-known member
I did read correctly, but the overall point is a guaranteed smash, is not likely. And thinking it will be a smash, is fine, but it is important to not get your hopes up for that, as female smashes (on radio at least) are incredibly uncommon nowadays.

I’m not trying to be picky, but when you put quotation marks around a word or phrase and make he notion another person said this, then your are quoting them. CU4ever technically said it would be a smash... not a guaranteed smash. I realize it’s a technicality, but when your using another person’s words you do need to get them correct. I’m just saying. Like you’ve said before, not arguing just conversing.


Well-known member
I’m not trying to be picky, but when you put quotation marks around a word or phrase and make he notion another person said this, then your are quoting them. CU4ever technically said it would be a smash... not a guaranteed smash. I realize it’s a technicality, but when your using another person’s words you do need to get them correct. I’m just saying. Like you’ve said before, not arguing just conversing.

Saying it will be a smash, is saying it with confidence that it will be a smash. I say there is no guarantee of that. What would make more sense is to say "I think it will be a smash". You're right it is a technicality, but doesn't make a great deal of difference in the end.

Anyway, I think DA would be a better choice for Carrie's future. Maybe not better radio-wise, though I think they'd (Southbound or DA) perform similarly there. DA would elevate Carrie artistically in the eyes of the public and critics in my opinion, "Southbound" would not.


Well-known member
^Southbound is/has both those things too

Southbound is the only song that I don’t like on the album. I think it needs to be DA followed by Low to reset this era, and if they give her a 5th single go for ghosts on the stereo. But backsliding and that song that we used to make love to need to be released onto pop radio.

I’m not a huge fan of Southbound, but we MUST think about radio play, the time of year, and the singles she’s already released.

Radio play: Yes, we know women aren’t getting played near as much as men on the radio. Carrie has spoken out about this issue; as well as, many other women/a few men for this matter. Taking my previous statement into account, releasing Southbound would be a SMART move! It’s “bro-country” from a women, but also with a women’s touch. IMO that freshens the “bro-country” theme up a bit... but let’s be honest that whole theme needs to go.

Time of the year: Need I say more? Spring/nearing summer is the time of year. Southbound not only would be appealing to the spring break crowd, but would light up the radio waves. Luke Bryan releasing those six song albums during spring break to hold off his fans wanting new music/obviously to bring in the extra cash was GENIUS! Southbound is the only song on Cry Pretty that would be fitting for this time of year. Grammy or no grammy this song is cleverly written with the right amount of cliche phrases, catchy wording, and upbeat appeal to make you dance unintentionally.

Singles: We all know Carrie is a business woman and quite good at it too! She releases singles that are different from the next, but majority of them in current years lean towards upbeat with a narrative. BA era had Good Girl, Blown Away, and Two Black Cadillacs, and Storyteller era had Smoke Break, Church Bells, Dirty Laundry and SHOULD’VE HAD Choctaw County Affair! Given her track record for released singles, I have a strong feeling we are looking at Southbound, Drinking Alone, Backsliding, or That Song as soon to be released singles.

BONUS: Keeping with my prediction above, I think the fourth single will be Kingdom (it has the faith-based/good hearted message to it). It would be similar to JTTW, SS, TH, SYA, SITW, and the other songs she’s not released as singles, but has recorded (There’s a Place for Us and Keep Us Safe).


Well-known member
Saying it will be a smash, is saying it with confidence that it will be a smash. I say there is no guarantee of that. What would make more sense is to say "I think it will be a smash". You're right it is a technicality, but doesn't make a great deal of difference in the end.

Anyway, I think DA would be a better choice for Carrie's future. Maybe not better radio-wise, though I think they'd (Southbound or DA) perform similarly there. DA would elevate Carrie artistically in the eyes of the public and critics in my opinion, "Southbound" would not.

Actually, no, saying “I think it will be a smash” is no better than misquoting CU4ever. Quoting their words EXACTLY would have been best. You agreed it’s a technicality which was the reason for my reply, so we are good.


Well-known member
Actually, no, saying “I think it will be a smash” is no better than misquoting CU4ever. Quoting their words EXACTLY would have been best. You agreed it’s a technicality which was the reason for my reply, so we are good.

Saying you think it would be a smash, is actually a much better way to say you think it will smash. Instead of saying it just will, with no fact to prove that. Sorry, but being skeptical when someone says something will happen with no evidence to back that up, is a valid reaction.

And to another post. If you, and I’d say most of us agree, bro-country needs to go, why should Carrie and her team perpetuate the trend, and a trend that is starting to die out?

And help us all if Kingdom is released, because then the three weakest songs would have be the last three singles on the album.


Well-known member
I definitely think Southbound should be the next single. It's fun, lighthearted, and it's the type of party song radio loves. I think it'd be perfect for summer. I seem to recall at the beginning of LW's chart run someone here tweeted a radio station and asked them why they weren't playing LW and they said it was because it was a more heavy song and radio prefers fun songs.

I also think Backsliding, GOTS, and Drinking Alone would make great singles. They're all really catchy, radio-friendly, and I cannot see any reason why they wouldn't do quite well.

So if we got any of these four, I'd be happy, but I really do think Southbound would be a fun choice next. Carrie hasn't had a fun song since SB (which was a big hit)


Well-known member
I’m not a huge fan of Southbound, but we MUST think about radio play, the time of year, and the singles she’s already released.

BONUS: Keeping with my prediction above, I think the fourth single will be Kingdom (it has the faith-based/good hearted message to it). It would be similar to JTTW, SS, TH, SYA, SITW, and the other songs she’s not released as singles, but has recorded (There’s a Place for Us and Keep Us Safe).

Kill me now.


Well-known member
Imagine releasing LW, Southbound and Kingdom! Tragic!! Lol

If someone would have told me this at the beginning of the era I would have laughed them out of the room. You have songs like GOTS, LOW, That Song, Backsliding, Drinking Alone *face palm*


Well-known member
^^ I agree on LW and Kingdom, but I really do think Southbound will be a hit. We may not like it as a single, but I believe it will do really well. I remember lots were bothered when SmB came out, but that still ended up doing really well.

I also think it's also likely we'll get 5 singles this album, due to the timing of stuff, so we still have singles 4-5 to hope for (assuming Southbound is the 3rd single)


Well-known member
I loved Smoke Break. I have more of a problem with the timing in regards to the album era than I do the actual song (Southbound). I feel like after LW Carrie needs to come back strong both artistically and on the radio. Had Carrie released GOTS, backsliding for single two I would be more excited for Southbound. I would still want to release That Song, just because I'm in love with it, and I think it would do really well for summer, especially with people outside of country, but that's just me.