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NHL Thread (formerly Screw The NHL!!)


Active member
I'm over it with the NHL and this lockout, I love my Penguins to death, but they should just cancel the whole season, there's no point in trying to save what's left of it since they already canceled games through January 14th. It was funny cause I hardly get updates on my Team Stream app for the Penguins but I got a rather interesting update from the app for the Penguins in that they want to try and get back Gonchar from the Senators but in the back of my mind I was like why does it matter right now? lol


just another fan
If they think everyone is just going to run to the box offices to buy tickets next year, they are wrong. Some will-- out of loyalty- but many are too disgusted to support the NHL right now-- even when the lockout is over.

disagree with that sentiment. i think you're right about the casual fan, but most of the hockey fans are really passionate. this might kill the franchises in Phoenix and Florida, but Canadian cities will sell out no problem, as will cities like Boston and NY.

I find myself missing being annoyed by the goon squad of Anaheim, and miss mocking Pierre McGuire the weirdo on the NBC broadcasts.


New member
disagree with that sentiment. i think you're right about the casual fan, but most of the hockey fans are really passionate. this might kill the franchises in Phoenix and Florida, but Canadian cities will sell out no problem, as will cities like Boston and NY.

I find myself missing being annoyed by the goon squad of Anaheim, and miss mocking Pierre McGuire the weirdo on the NBC broadcasts.

Pretty much how I am. I find myself completely disgusted with the league, the players, and I've said a lot of things about them. But all I really want is hockey back. I even miss hearing how great Crosby is every time you turn on any game no matter who's playing. I'd gladly take a random Tuesday night Columbus vs. Edmonton matchup right now.

Just get the deal done already!


New member
If they do get a deal done and frankly I don't care if they do at this point, teams better get off to a quick start with the season likley only going to be 42 games or so.


New member
At least Mike is having a little bit of fun during the lock out.

Mike Fisher ‏@mikefisher1212

My 5 yr old nephew's response to me teasing him. "uncle mike, u can't make fun of me, u don't even have a job" #touche


Well-known member
NHL makes new offer; lockout enters critical stage - Yahoo! Sports

This will likely be the last chance to get a deal done, the NHLPA will make their own proposal and hopefully they will head back to the table because they are running out of time.

Hopefully they will actually use this to negotiate and find a settlement. I never understood the whole stomp off in a huff routine from the owners after their last proposal wasn't accepted lock stock and barrel. I can't imagine the NHLPA will flat reject this offer but they will undoubtedly want to discuss it. I can't imagine the league will be willing to throw away a season without at least some discussion. I think the fact that the players overwhelmingly voted to allow the committee to consider disbanding the union had some effect. The league now knows that its not just Fehr driving the train but the players are behind him. They were clearly hoping to create dissension and get the players to cave.


Active member
Hopefully they will actually use this to negotiate and find a settlement. I never understood the whole stomp off in a huff routine from the owners after their last proposal wasn't accepted lock stock and barrel. I can't imagine the NHLPA will flat reject this offer but they will undoubtedly want to discuss it. I can't imagine the league will be willing to throw away a season without at least some discussion. I think the fact that the players overwhelmingly voted to allow the committee to consider disbanding the union had some effect. The league now knows that its not just Fehr driving the train but the players are behind him. They were clearly hoping to create dissension and get the players to cave.

The league was mad because Fehr did that press conference saying they were close. If he never did that press conference I think they would have come to a deal already. If the league really did basically give the same offer with an increase in contract limits like that reports says then why did they basically waste 2 weeks with their stomp off in a huff routine like you said. Maybe they realized that losing a season over 5 yr contract limits was totally ridiculous. Hopefully the NHLPA has learned to keep their mouths shut and not piss the owners off again. Neither side wants to lose a season and end up in court for months which could hurt the sport even more.


New member
The league was mad because Fehr did that press conference saying they were close. If he never did that press conference I think they would have come to a deal already. If the league really did basically give the same offer with an increase in contract limits like that reports says then why did they basically waste 2 weeks with their stomp off in a huff routine like you said. Maybe they realized that losing a season over 5 yr contract limits was totally ridiculous. Hopefully the NHLPA has learned to keep their mouths shut and not piss the owners off again. Neither side wants to lose a season and end up in court for months which could hurt the sport even more.

That was Fehr being Fehr, that is what he did in the past when he was head of the MLBPA.

I really hope that both sides can't be dumb enough to throw away a second season in less than 10 years.


New member
National Hockey League Salaries and Statistics |

Here are the salaries of the players and the owners are making the $$$ that they are, so I don't want to hear either side b!tching & crying about money, when a deal does get done and both side are looking to get back into the good graces with the fans why don't they start with giving up millions of that $$$ you both want to cry about and set up a fund for all those workers who lost paychecks because of both sides and their inability to get a deal done.


New member
I don't think it's a coincidence that while Fehr was in charge of the MLBPA, they had 3 work stoppages(granted one lasted 2 days and only 1 caused any games to be cancelled, but still), and came dangerously close to another in 2002, and then right after he stepped down they had no issues at all getting a deal done in 2011. And now he's in charge in the middle of this one.

Hmm. Not saying the individuals owners or players aren't to blame in this, but I think the 2 biggest problems are Donald Fehr and Gary Bettman.......


New member
Wings GM booed at Ford Field

My suggestion to the players and the owners is just to get the deal done no matter what. When the man behind one of the best dynasties in pro sports of the last quarter century is getting booed in his own city by fans who love the sport of hockey, and he doesn't really have much to do with the lockout, things are getting really, really bad.


New member
Maybe just maybe the meeting goes well tonight and we have a deal done either late tonight or sometime tomorrow.